Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A time to plant

This past Winter I was busy as a Medicine Woman doing my work for others- healing, doing Sacred Ceremony,teaching.
But the Seasons have changed and now is time to close down those activities and focus on the garden,on ingathering and preparation.
A time of quiet as regards the bustle of the world, no more promotion and organizing of events- at least for NOW
My garden calls me to disconnect from the world
My garden calls me to CONNECT to Mother Earth,the overlighting Diva of the Garden,the Faerie folk- and also to those animals that would love to make an easy meal of  my garden.
I am Shaman-I talk with these ones-the deer,the groundhog, the rabbits - and the crows- I say-please do not eat our human food-there is plenty for you all around the valley. I love you but I seal you off from entering my garden- if you violate the order of the Shaman I am sorry- bad things will happen to you- ie the deer will become deer burgers and such...I DO NOT want that to happen SO I pray they listen.

All beings in 3rd dimension  have free will- so will they listen? I believe so- last year taught me one can energetically protect their garden space.Just by prayer and sending out the energy of protection- a sort of energetic forcefield arpund the garden.

This year the harvest is very important as we will be putting by for the Great Earth Shift 2012 through 2017.
I hope to put by 100 lbs of potatos, a dozen cabbage, many lbs of carrots and many pumpkins and winter squash.I plan to keep the Fall late greens preserved in the garden as late as I can with hay- and to can lots of these yummy greens for meals later on..

My goal is to can 100 quarts of green beans , 100 quarts of tomatoes, to freeze squash and corn,I want to can as well at least 25 quarts each of apples and peachs as well as several dozen jars of jams and jellies.
I will dehydrate potatoes,onions,garlic, squash,beans ,corn and make lots of jerky... watch out deer come into my garden and it could be YOU in that jerky!

Besides the homegrown items I plan to purchase cases of canned and bottled items for my prep closet-our intention is that by the end of THIS Summer we have 2 years of stock.Honestly lots of plain meat and potatoes type of foods- beans and rice- and supplement with canned and fresh fruits and veggies- also sprouting bi-weekly for fresh taste,high vitamin content and fiber.

From my herbs bed and wild crafted herbs I will make teas, tinctures, salves and ointments for healing.

I have a plan of focus and it will require pulling back from doing more public work.

I will still see several clients a week for shamanic healing or intuitive counsel  -but instead of groups -I will work with individuals at 120.00 per hour session.Prepaid/non refundable

I am also doing my shaman art-pieces range from $2200 to $7500 -I plan to have an art showing later in the Fall after the harvest is over.

The way I will work my schedule is this
Meditation and breakfast 8 am
Blog writing - 9 am
In the garden by 10 am for 2 hours
Bath and nap-Noon to 2 pm
Dinner prep.
See clients by appointment only-Mon and Tues 3 to 7
Art - Wed to Fri 3 to 7
Weekends are for fun and work around the place.

You see I am semi retired from public work.
My healing is so intense I limit the amount of time I do it and how many people I can help in a week - is 5 or 6 .. the psychic surgery and transport mediumship I do tires me- for a few days I am in intense pain as I take on the clients sickness and process it through.So-there for I am NOT cheap and I only work with a few people at a time!

I am looking forward to my Spring and Summer of art and gardening!
Have a blessed harvest!
This year is going to be starange and intense-put back your goods-it is a time to plant!
Love and Light to you!! Sandra Bear Davis

Friday, April 13, 2012

What if? We rethink this to handle it a better way!?

I will say this- when the SHTF I DO intend to go underground and stay in and quiet for 3 to 6 months- we can protect our space and just plan to be silent and unseen...that 1st 6 months will be the worst time-but when we crawl out of our self preserving,survivalist hole-then what..?

Alot of people will have passed away. Alot of people will be left barely hanging on- what do we do then?....
I hope lots of good hearted preppers think about this one-because if alot of us do this-it makes it easier on everyone!

Alright I was born into a survivalist home- guns behind every door-boxs of ammo beneath beds and ...we were taught to shoot at a very young age.
We grew a big garden and put by tons of food- my Dad always believed in self sufficiency with a 2 year food supply as the goal.

I get that.
He and I have had some debates over the years about how to handle the hungry throngs. His idea is blow them away to protect your keep. I have always had an inner conflict with this thinking.

Now I live the life of a New Ager and Healer. I am all about love, light,peace and Oneness.

Bustin a cap in someone is really not part of the energy of my life.. yet I know I have it in me to protect my own.

I am formulating a plan of action that is practical, has a survival element yet allows me to live peacefully .

When you think about the starving throngs- OK- those are NOT zombies- they are people ....likely really GOOD people-who were not aware of what was happening or had not prepped enough.Maybe they bought into what the news media and other sources of "information" have ben misleading them into..they didn't have the privilege of being brought up by people who could think for themselves..

They are gonna be lost,scared and hungry-oh my gosh.. am I as a healer gonna turn them away?

I just couldn't do that..

I say- what does a starving person want anyway? Likely a little something to eat-something warm to drink- then maybe a safe place to sleep and then maybe other people to form a community with..I am thinking this... prepare to feed people.

I am talking depression era soup kitchen -mornings oatmeal -lunchtime soup and a slice of bread and hopefully evening something easy like chili or spaghetti...nothing fancy- but something filling.

Instead of shooting starving people why not treat them with respect and love?

and you say=-oh lord child you are so gonna get killed..

Well maybe.. but I am not exactly stupid. We would definitely have at least 4 to 6  armed and trusted  guards around the area -in case anyone wanted to be a bad -arse.. and ones coming to us for food would then have to earn their meals by putting in work time in the kitchen ,doing cleaning or not day 1 when they may be weak and exhausted-but in time -yes it gives one a sense of purpose-I don't believe in hand outs.. but I DO in a hand UP!.

A 9 square foot intensively planted spot can feed a each person would be given seeds and taught to tend at least 4 times that much-we would have food gardens all around the area - we would also wild forage- sprout seeds... we would prepare ourself to feed ones coming to us...

Luckily we live in an area with plenty of water-there are Springs between every hill- and we can gather water from these..

We would need to build an outdoor cob oven- and have outdoor wood burning cooking areas...I want to build these NOW before they are really needed and learn how to cook on them well... we would need to learn to harvest and work with acorns to make flour and bread!...I believe as a tribe it could be done!

How am I gonna fund this-??? I don't know- but I do believe the things upcoming are fore-ordained and in the hands of a higher power I call Great Spirit.. this one will provide the means to provide for others!

I am thinking that what if I or one of my grown children were in the plight of wandering hungry and every where you turn is a gun in the face and rejection- that is actually dehumanizing.. and I believe the Earth Shifts are here to aid us in ascension-not degeneration!

So yeah-I am a prepper-I am a New Earth Prepper. I know the times upcoming are quite likely to be challenging to the extreme-but I intend to walk through this a better person- not someone who became an animal to protect a bag of beans.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Getting the messages out while we still can!

Please read and take action! I hope to encourage you to please have 6 months to a year of supplies on hand- including food like beans and rice-canned vegs and fruits  - lots of drinking water and supplies for your pets! Have stocked up hygiene and medical supplies and work to form a community of support!

I believe an apocalypse is coming.I believe the system we are in is corrupt and unsustainable - and that the Creator of us ALL will intervene. I have studied many different paths and seen the energy they all work with is a Loving Being with a thousand names...neither male nor female and yet both... I am not religiously affiliated or politically affiliated..I do take a rather Native American viewpoint but as a mixed blood have found a great deal of anger and rejection of one such as me in that system as well... I don't follow any one particular prophecy or belief system. I am a person that believes in everything and nothing...I prep for the worst case scenario while holding hope that all will be well and good -no worries.

I just look around at all the different religions beliefs about "end of times" and " last days" I look at the news concerning the economy and see the energy BEHIND what is being spoken-I see the energy of lies being told- and KNOW things are far worse than we know..I here about catastrophes on the Earth and know-more is coming -this is JUST THE BEGINNING.. I see man drill too deep into the Earth-man greedily pollutes the waters and confuses animal kingdom with his technology ..we are seeing kill offs in the animal kingdom caused by our modern cell phones,sonar,radar and microwave energy..

I believe we are also nearing a time called Wormwood- giant solar flares that will burn and scorch those who are killing their own Mother Earth. When these come-drought, no electricity for a decade or more- crops being scorched. Many people dying off because they have no electricity for air conditioning and refrigerators and watching too much mind numbing tv has atrophied their mind and ability to be practical and self preserving! Cars and trucks cease to run when their onboard computers fail- no food in the grocery stores after 3 days- no water..

People that have failed to prepare WILL die. Even some of those that have prepared may succumb to illness well- but likely they will find a way.For you see those that have prepared have nimble minds and a self preserving mindset..they will find a way  to make something from little..

In the coming shifts modern medicine will not function well as it is dependant on electricity and prescribing pills. Most have forgotten how to be real healers.

Besides being a prepper I am a healer-not that many people come to me now- some do but not many.I let people pay what feels fair to their own hearts.But people fear me for some reason-which is wierd because I am actually a sweet easy going person!  I am putting out the word  NOW so that when society shifts you can find me- I am a person that heals with hands and voice and with herbs and with the healing energy of the angels.

I am also one who can teach you how to heal with herbs and how to live simply and close to Mother Earth!Right now not much needed to be honest.. but in the future -this year I have foreseen being quite busy as things begin to shift!

Now and into the future-even when the power fails and the world is in chaos- (wait -no when SHTF I intend to go underground for at least 3 to 6 months to wait for things to settle down abit ...
For NOW_I invite you to drop by Monday to Thursday -I am open from 3 to 7 pm .I do trance medium healing and intuitive counsel-or come by for a cup of tea and a chat ..Ones pay me what feels fair to their hearts! You can rsvp through   Thank you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Earth Preppers Call to Action

I believe this old system is unsustainable and doomed/fated to collapse..rather than a bleak future /Mad Max or the Road or the Book of Eli... I see a rebuilding coming-A New Earth where folks have learned lessons about how to treat the Earth and Each other...I believe we will enter into a Golden Era of the Rainbow People(people of every color and religion coming together in  peace and Oneness).. if we start this process with love and compassion.. hard work... commitment to building a better future for the 7 generations following behind-and also some plain old street smarts!

If you like prepping for coming Earth changes I know you are watching Doomsday Preppers. I know I am -I really enjoy learning different things and seeing how other people are prepping.

There is a huge difference in most preppers attitude and mine though... most of the preppers I see are going to fend off fight and kill anyone trying to take their food stores and basically seperate themselves from I DO see that potential at 1st but I have a bit of a moral dilemna being a healer ...

This is what I plan to do..

When society collapses ( and yes I believe it is WHEN not IF) -whether from War,Economic Collapse ,Earth Shake Ups/Quakes,Volcanoes,Tidal Waves,Etc,,,whether it is Solar Flares or Electromagnetic Pulse/EMP...I encourage everyone around me to have a minimum 6 month to 2 years supply of food and water -I encourage ones to lay low while society is melting down- get as low and quiet as you can and let things go all to heck and back...the reason being is that I see a time when people in their panic are more animal than human.

I don't intend to feed people that have heard and not acted. Anyone has the capability to stock up beans and rice...especially ones on food stamps-heck they have more to spend on food than I do-but I manage to put back a good deal of items every other week at pay day. ( and right now we are on unemployment and my little healing biz brings in a tiny tad - not much at all- but whatever it is I put in gas for my car, a little in my pocket and I prep w the rest!)

I am putting in a fairly large garden this year and intend (if I have time before the shifts /shtf) to can at LEAST 300 jars of different foods-mainly beans,corn,tomatoes and soup base-to dry loads of other veg as well as simply store onions,cabbage,potatoes,carrots,sweet potatoes and winter squash in a cool dry area...


After 6 months to up to a year of laying low- when it feels safe to do so I plan to open a soup kitchen for survivors... and to grow a big garden with a  group for putting back ingredients for the soup - we will be armed... so no one can come in and take more than their share...but I want to have a veggie soup and maybe a slice of bread soup long as ones come by in peace - we are good. All I will ask is some time spent helping in the garden  or gathering wod and wild foraging for food ...I think this will be a good way to rebuild society- just to come together for soup....

We will need to energetically set protections that ones doing harm would not magnetize to us-but ones that need this help ARE drawn to our little garden..

This year I plan to build a cob oven and a rocket stove for outdoor cooking.We have loads of wood all around us -with a group we can gather more wood- at that time the survivors may be low on food or may have had to bug out of their own space...spirit tells me this is a safe zone..we will encourage ones to move into the abandoned houses nearby and encourage ones to plant whatever they can in their new yards- .. which reminds me-harvest far more seeds than we ever think we will need-so ones have seeds to plant!

I will also be offering these survivors energy healing and intuitive counsel. I hope that Drs. and nurses will be magnetized to work with us.. no I will INTEND it to be so!!...Being part of the rebuilding-It gives me a purpose and hopefully will give them some healing and comfort.

I foresee a time upcoming where we will need to lay low and remain unseen- so PLEASE prepare for 6 months to a year of staying inside and eating what you have put by- I encourage also canned foods - as they contain quite alot of water.. and have been heated in processing so (unless they are bulging-DON'T eat that) are fine to eat cold right out of the can .. probably the 1st 6 weeks will be the worse time so a fire could draw attention to you- and the smell of cooking food will not be a good idea to eating cold canned foods for 6 weeks is a great way to remain unseen and silent!

I encourage ones also to have some emergency hidden gardens - that is not hard to do if you are smart about it-also having sprouting seeds is a great idea so you get some fresh veg- try to set in a window or somewhere where sun is streaming in for a few hours the last day to get chlorophyll.

You ought to sit in that sunny  spot too and get some sun at least on your face -it will be important to get some sun on you- for alleviating depression and fatigue-body aches and to generally feel better and more hopeful1 Think of how your pets sun bathe...

Well that is enough for now-I am going to go build 2 rows of my garden- we are doing a no till natural garden-and each day this month my plan is to build 2 rows-or beds depending on what is going to be planted! Working on my 3 sisters patch now-corn,beans and squash!

Great love and light to you!!

New Earth Prepper has spoken-over and out!!