This past Winter I was busy as a Medicine Woman doing my work for others- healing, doing Sacred Ceremony,teaching.
But the Seasons have changed and now is time to close down those activities and focus on the garden,on ingathering and preparation.
A time of quiet as regards the bustle of the world, no more promotion and organizing of events- at least for NOW
My garden calls me to disconnect from the world
My garden calls me to CONNECT to Mother Earth,the overlighting Diva of the Garden,the Faerie folk- and also to those animals that would love to make an easy meal of my garden.
I am Shaman-I talk with these ones-the deer,the groundhog, the rabbits - and the crows- I say-please do not eat our human food-there is plenty for you all around the valley. I love you but I seal you off from entering my garden- if you violate the order of the Shaman I am sorry- bad things will happen to you- ie the deer will become deer burgers and such...I DO NOT want that to happen SO I pray they listen.
All beings in 3rd dimension have free will- so will they listen? I believe so- last year taught me one can energetically protect their garden space.Just by prayer and sending out the energy of protection- a sort of energetic forcefield arpund the garden.
This year the harvest is very important as we will be putting by for the Great Earth Shift 2012 through 2017.
I hope to put by 100 lbs of potatos, a dozen cabbage, many lbs of carrots and many pumpkins and winter squash.I plan to keep the Fall late greens preserved in the garden as late as I can with hay- and to can lots of these yummy greens for meals later on..
My goal is to can 100 quarts of green beans , 100 quarts of tomatoes, to freeze squash and corn,I want to can as well at least 25 quarts each of apples and peachs as well as several dozen jars of jams and jellies.
I will dehydrate potatoes,onions,garlic, squash,beans ,corn and make lots of jerky... watch out deer come into my garden and it could be YOU in that jerky!
Besides the homegrown items I plan to purchase cases of canned and bottled items for my prep closet-our intention is that by the end of THIS Summer we have 2 years of stock.Honestly lots of plain meat and potatoes type of foods- beans and rice- and supplement with canned and fresh fruits and veggies- also sprouting bi-weekly for fresh taste,high vitamin content and fiber.
From my herbs bed and wild crafted herbs I will make teas, tinctures, salves and ointments for healing.
I have a plan of focus and it will require pulling back from doing more public work.
I will still see several clients a week for shamanic healing or intuitive counsel -but instead of groups -I will work with individuals at 120.00 per hour session.Prepaid/non refundable
I am also doing my shaman art-pieces range from $2200 to $7500 -I plan to have an art showing later in the Fall after the harvest is over.
The way I will work my schedule is this
Meditation and breakfast 8 am
Blog writing - 9 am
In the garden by 10 am for 2 hours
Bath and nap-Noon to 2 pm
Dinner prep.
See clients by appointment only-Mon and Tues 3 to 7
Art - Wed to Fri 3 to 7
Weekends are for fun and work around the place.
You see I am semi retired from public work.
My healing is so intense I limit the amount of time I do it and how many people I can help in a week - is 5 or 6 .. the psychic surgery and transport mediumship I do tires me- for a few days I am in intense pain as I take on the clients sickness and process it through.So-there for I am NOT cheap and I only work with a few people at a time!
I am looking forward to my Spring and Summer of art and gardening!
Have a blessed harvest!
This year is going to be starange and intense-put back your goods-it is a time to plant!
Love and Light to you!! Sandra Bear Davis
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