Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Earth Preppers Call to Action

I believe this old system is unsustainable and doomed/fated to collapse..rather than a bleak future /Mad Max or the Road or the Book of Eli... I see a rebuilding coming-A New Earth where folks have learned lessons about how to treat the Earth and Each other...I believe we will enter into a Golden Era of the Rainbow People(people of every color and religion coming together in  peace and Oneness).. if we start this process with love and compassion.. hard work... commitment to building a better future for the 7 generations following behind-and also some plain old street smarts!

If you like prepping for coming Earth changes I know you are watching Doomsday Preppers. I know I am -I really enjoy learning different things and seeing how other people are prepping.

There is a huge difference in most preppers attitude and mine though... most of the preppers I see are going to fend off fight and kill anyone trying to take their food stores and basically seperate themselves from humanity...now I DO see that potential at 1st but I have a bit of a moral dilemna being a healer ...

This is what I plan to do..

When society collapses ( and yes I believe it is WHEN not IF) -whether from War,Economic Collapse ,Earth Shake Ups/Quakes,Volcanoes,Tidal Waves,Etc,,,whether it is Solar Flares or Electromagnetic Pulse/EMP...I encourage everyone around me to have a minimum 6 month to 2 years supply of food and water -I encourage ones to lay low while society is melting down- get as low and quiet as you can and let things go all to heck and back...the reason being is that I see a time when people in their panic are more animal than human.

I don't intend to feed people that have heard and not acted. Anyone has the capability to stock up beans and rice...especially ones on food stamps-heck they have more to spend on food than I do-but I manage to put back a good deal of items every other week at pay day. ( and right now we are on unemployment and my little healing biz brings in a tiny tad - not much at all- but whatever it is I put in gas for my car, a little in my pocket and I prep w the rest!)

I am putting in a fairly large garden this year and intend (if I have time before the shifts /shtf) to can at LEAST 300 jars of different foods-mainly beans,corn,tomatoes and soup base-to dry loads of other veg as well as simply store onions,cabbage,potatoes,carrots,sweet potatoes and winter squash in a cool dry area...


After 6 months to up to a year of laying low- when it feels safe to do so I plan to open a soup kitchen for survivors... and to grow a big garden with a  group for putting back ingredients for the soup - we will be armed... so no one can come in and take more than their share...but I want to have a veggie soup and maybe a slice of bread soup kitchen....as long as ones come by in peace - we are good. All I will ask is some time spent helping in the garden  or gathering wod and wild foraging for food ...I think this will be a good way to rebuild society- just to come together for soup....

We will need to energetically set protections that ones doing harm would not magnetize to us-but ones that need this help ARE drawn to our little garden..

This year I plan to build a cob oven and a rocket stove for outdoor cooking.We have loads of wood all around us -with a group we can gather more wood- at that time the survivors may be low on food or may have had to bug out of their own space...spirit tells me this is a safe zone..we will encourage ones to move into the abandoned houses nearby and encourage ones to plant whatever they can in their new yards- .. which reminds me-harvest far more seeds than we ever think we will need-so ones have seeds to plant!

I will also be offering these survivors energy healing and intuitive counsel. I hope that Drs. and nurses will be magnetized to work with us.. no I will INTEND it to be so!!...Being part of the rebuilding-It gives me a purpose and hopefully will give them some healing and comfort.

I foresee a time upcoming where we will need to lay low and remain unseen- so PLEASE prepare for 6 months to a year of staying inside and eating what you have put by- I encourage also canned foods - as they contain quite alot of water.. and have been heated in processing so (unless they are bulging-DON'T eat that) are fine to eat cold right out of the can .. probably the 1st 6 weeks will be the worse time so a fire could draw attention to you- and the smell of cooking food will not be a good idea to create...so eating cold canned foods for 6 weeks is a great way to remain unseen and silent!

I encourage ones also to have some emergency hidden gardens - that is not hard to do if you are smart about it-also having sprouting seeds is a great idea so you get some fresh veg- try to set in a window or somewhere where sun is streaming in for a few hours the last day to get chlorophyll.

You ought to sit in that sunny  spot too and get some sun at least on your face -it will be important to get some sun on you- for alleviating depression and fatigue-body aches and to generally feel better and more hopeful1 Think of how your pets sun bathe...

Well that is enough for now-I am going to go build 2 rows of my garden- we are doing a no till natural garden-and each day this month my plan is to build 2 rows-or beds depending on what is going to be planted! Working on my 3 sisters patch now-corn,beans and squash!

Great love and light to you!!

New Earth Prepper has spoken-over and out!!

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