Friday, April 13, 2012

What if? We rethink this to handle it a better way!?

I will say this- when the SHTF I DO intend to go underground and stay in and quiet for 3 to 6 months- we can protect our space and just plan to be silent and unseen...that 1st 6 months will be the worst time-but when we crawl out of our self preserving,survivalist hole-then what..?

Alot of people will have passed away. Alot of people will be left barely hanging on- what do we do then?....
I hope lots of good hearted preppers think about this one-because if alot of us do this-it makes it easier on everyone!

Alright I was born into a survivalist home- guns behind every door-boxs of ammo beneath beds and ...we were taught to shoot at a very young age.
We grew a big garden and put by tons of food- my Dad always believed in self sufficiency with a 2 year food supply as the goal.

I get that.
He and I have had some debates over the years about how to handle the hungry throngs. His idea is blow them away to protect your keep. I have always had an inner conflict with this thinking.

Now I live the life of a New Ager and Healer. I am all about love, light,peace and Oneness.

Bustin a cap in someone is really not part of the energy of my life.. yet I know I have it in me to protect my own.

I am formulating a plan of action that is practical, has a survival element yet allows me to live peacefully .

When you think about the starving throngs- OK- those are NOT zombies- they are people ....likely really GOOD people-who were not aware of what was happening or had not prepped enough.Maybe they bought into what the news media and other sources of "information" have ben misleading them into..they didn't have the privilege of being brought up by people who could think for themselves..

They are gonna be lost,scared and hungry-oh my gosh.. am I as a healer gonna turn them away?

I just couldn't do that..

I say- what does a starving person want anyway? Likely a little something to eat-something warm to drink- then maybe a safe place to sleep and then maybe other people to form a community with..I am thinking this... prepare to feed people.

I am talking depression era soup kitchen -mornings oatmeal -lunchtime soup and a slice of bread and hopefully evening something easy like chili or spaghetti...nothing fancy- but something filling.

Instead of shooting starving people why not treat them with respect and love?

and you say=-oh lord child you are so gonna get killed..

Well maybe.. but I am not exactly stupid. We would definitely have at least 4 to 6  armed and trusted  guards around the area -in case anyone wanted to be a bad -arse.. and ones coming to us for food would then have to earn their meals by putting in work time in the kitchen ,doing cleaning or not day 1 when they may be weak and exhausted-but in time -yes it gives one a sense of purpose-I don't believe in hand outs.. but I DO in a hand UP!.

A 9 square foot intensively planted spot can feed a each person would be given seeds and taught to tend at least 4 times that much-we would have food gardens all around the area - we would also wild forage- sprout seeds... we would prepare ourself to feed ones coming to us...

Luckily we live in an area with plenty of water-there are Springs between every hill- and we can gather water from these..

We would need to build an outdoor cob oven- and have outdoor wood burning cooking areas...I want to build these NOW before they are really needed and learn how to cook on them well... we would need to learn to harvest and work with acorns to make flour and bread!...I believe as a tribe it could be done!

How am I gonna fund this-??? I don't know- but I do believe the things upcoming are fore-ordained and in the hands of a higher power I call Great Spirit.. this one will provide the means to provide for others!

I am thinking that what if I or one of my grown children were in the plight of wandering hungry and every where you turn is a gun in the face and rejection- that is actually dehumanizing.. and I believe the Earth Shifts are here to aid us in ascension-not degeneration!

So yeah-I am a prepper-I am a New Earth Prepper. I know the times upcoming are quite likely to be challenging to the extreme-but I intend to walk through this a better person- not someone who became an animal to protect a bag of beans.

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