Please read and take action! I hope to encourage you to please have 6 months to a year of supplies on hand- including food like beans and rice-canned vegs and fruits - lots of drinking water and supplies for your pets! Have stocked up hygiene and medical supplies and work to form a community of support!
I believe an apocalypse is coming.I believe the system we are in is corrupt and unsustainable - and that the Creator of us ALL will intervene. I have studied many different paths and seen the energy they all work with is a Loving Being with a thousand names...neither male nor female and yet both... I am not religiously affiliated or politically affiliated..I do take a rather Native American viewpoint but as a mixed blood have found a great deal of anger and rejection of one such as me in that system as well... I don't follow any one particular prophecy or belief system. I am a person that believes in everything and nothing...I prep for the worst case scenario while holding hope that all will be well and good -no worries.
I just look around at all the different religions beliefs about "end of times" and " last days" I look at the news concerning the economy and see the energy BEHIND what is being spoken-I see the energy of lies being told- and KNOW things are far worse than we know..I here about catastrophes on the Earth and know-more is coming -this is JUST THE BEGINNING.. I see man drill too deep into the Earth-man greedily pollutes the waters and confuses animal kingdom with his technology ..we are seeing kill offs in the animal kingdom caused by our modern cell phones,sonar,radar and microwave energy..
I believe we are also nearing a time called Wormwood- giant solar flares that will burn and scorch those who are killing their own Mother Earth. When these come-drought, no electricity for a decade or more- crops being scorched. Many people dying off because they have no electricity for air conditioning and refrigerators and watching too much mind numbing tv has atrophied their mind and ability to be practical and self preserving! Cars and trucks cease to run when their onboard computers fail- no food in the grocery stores after 3 days- no water..
People that have failed to prepare WILL die. Even some of those that have prepared may succumb to illness well- but likely they will find a way.For you see those that have prepared have nimble minds and a self preserving mindset..they will find a way to make something from little..
In the coming shifts modern medicine will not function well as it is dependant on electricity and prescribing pills. Most have forgotten how to be real healers.
Besides being a prepper I am a healer-not that many people come to me now- some do but not many.I let people pay what feels fair to their own hearts.But people fear me for some reason-which is wierd because I am actually a sweet easy going person! I am putting out the word NOW so that when society shifts you can find me- I am a person that heals with hands and voice and with herbs and with the healing energy of the angels.
I am also one who can teach you how to heal with herbs and how to live simply and close to Mother Earth!Right now not much needed to be honest.. but in the future -this year I have foreseen being quite busy as things begin to shift!
Now and into the future-even when the power fails and the world is in chaos- (wait -no when SHTF I intend to go underground for at least 3 to 6 months to wait for things to settle down abit ...
For NOW_I invite you to drop by Monday to Thursday -I am open from 3 to 7 pm .I do trance medium healing and intuitive counsel-or come by for a cup of tea and a chat ..Ones pay me what feels fair to their hearts! You can rsvp through Thank you!
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