Monday, March 19, 2012

Garden talk-and some comments about what I see coming !

I finished this blog then realized it became more than just a nice chat about the garden-all the sudden I found myself seeing the future and was inspired to write about what could be upcoming this year... so the beginning is garden chat-the end is SHTF stuff- I pray it opens some minds and hearts in time n light!

This year I am sprouting seedlings for the garden instead of buying plants. I haven't done this in years!

Pittsburgh weather has been so cooperative that I have been able to start the seedlings outdoors ,but am ready to bring them inside should any more frost or -yikes-even snow come our way(this week may hit 80 degrees so that seems unlikely-but it is only March in the North after all)

I am using only heirloom seeds this year and got  a victory garden set from Heirloom seeds company  as a 50th birthday present from my Dad.

The Victory Garden Set is supposed to feed a family of 4 all they need for a year... and right now I am wondering with all the seeds sprouting-will it take 100 cabbages-both red and green to feed 4 people???...looks like I am going to be making loads of soup and homemade saeurkraut!Nice thing about cabbage is that it holds well over the winter-

If all the tomato seeds sprout I will have 150 tomato plants in 6 different varieties altogether- 150 tomato plants-OMG- I am going to be canning tomatoes and tomato juice,making tomato soup, spaghetti sauce- I believe I am going to be canning all Summer and Fall!

Likely everyone I know will be gifted some veggies ...shoo... I am REALLY excited about this-but also a tad overwhelmed!

I am working with forming a community garden but will also have my private garden as well.

I intend to put back a mighty harvest of soups,veggies, juices and oh so many things- to have stored in a cool dry space -burlap bags of potatoes,onions,cabbages ,and a variety of winter squash(pumpkins,butternut ,spaghetti squash,acorn and perhaps more)

I plan to put in enough corn to hopefully dry some for corn meal-or else dehydrated corn is a good snack!

Of course we will harvest even more seeds for next year as likely our acre lot will become a CSA ( Community Supported Agriculture) where ones buy in a share of the harvest. This wll aid our garden to be self supporting!

We intend to have honey bees and chickens by next year as well- perhaps this year but something inside me is saying to wait. I have learned to listen to that litte voice-there is usually a reason for it... I believe we have a long hot Summer ahead-thus we are using mainly the spaghetti beds(the corn field will be traditional rows including green pole beans and squash)-Spaghetti beds are layered cardboard,newspaper, hay,mulch, manure- to keep down the weeds and to hold moisture... so it is a low work garden in the hottest time of year!

I love gardening but must admit during the hottest times of year being from the South- I do not enjoy working a garden in the intense heat! So we are working towards working the garden in a smart way..

I also intend to have veggies near the house in buckets just in case the weather is intensely hot and dry. I can keep these in the shade some and they are easily watered-plus if the SHTF- I can move them to a safe -more defensable area - not easily seen.

I don't know exactly what this year has in store but I have foreseen- a financial meltdown happening overnight and people not getting their government checks, I see that perhaps solar flairs might disrupt the power grid and cause intense heat -mainly this Summer and Fall-that people will become easily frightened and defensive.

I foresee more shootings in schools and government  buildings- mainly when the very mentally unstable are denied medications they need or are mixing them because they see multiple doctors. These ones may stew alone -watching alot of fear based movies and TV - watching alternative media- and being unstable are not abe to process the information wisely.

I bring this up because having seen this version of the future has inspired me to be a New Earth Prepper-I believe I see these things in order to warn others and in order to prepare myself!

As this old system crumbles around us- we are effected by it- even the most peaceful of Lightworker must be alert during the Earth Shifts.

I suggest being in a position to just lay low for a few months - while people are frightened - and the base animal side comes out- stay indoors-as low as possible in your space. No one will hear your messages of peace and love during that time- preserve your life so you may help rebuild - you will be ever so needed after the shift.. to be a healer, to teach, to literally rebuild homes .. things will be so different- we as humans will have learned some hard lessons and will have grown up and grown wiser as to the use of natural resources and respect for the sanctity of life and sacredness!

I don't bring these things out to cause fear-though likely it will... I bring them out so ones hearing this and really able to see for themselves.. can prepare themselves well for the Earth Shifts and the birth of the New Earth!

Birth is not an easy process- it is down and dirt,bloody and painful. The new life though -coming in- makes it alll worth while.. and the New Earth will be worthwhile as well... for those survivors that will rebuild! Please get yourselves ready! I will see you n the otherside! We have work to do! Love n light!

I am a Medicine Woman- a healer and a seer - if you would like to participate in the Three Rivers Garden" Gaia's Garden" feel free to join the Three Rivers Tribe on Facebook!!  We honor all faiths - we are ecumenical, Mother Earth honoring and peaceful!!!  .

In Penn Hills-just outside of pittsbrgh city limits-I also do weekly shamanic healing gatherings ,channeled message circles,drum and meditation circles ,teach psychic development and shamanism at

Be blessed and a blessing!!

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