Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Earth Prepper

I feel called to start this blog as a different style of Prepper.
I believe we are at the entry way of a New Earth- a new way of being upon this same planet. I believe mankind is Ascending into Homo Luminous- and will be working with higher dimensional energies.

We are evolving.

However we still exist in the same old 3rd dimensional energy.This is a system that is folding,falling-it is not sustainable and will not be allowed to continue.

The kharmic debt of 3rd dimensional Earth rapeing, murder of indigenous people and old ways of the Earth based faiths , stripping away of basic human rights, greed based economic controls forcing people to live on a slave planet.

This is going down...and it's death struggle does indeed affect us-even ones who are aware are impacted.

And we must take action to prepare,to protect and to bring in healing for ourselves and those we love-also those just waking up to the " Shift of Ages"

I am a Shaman- a Medicine Woman .This means I walk with 1 foot on the Earth and the other foot in the world of Spirit all the time.I get messages to take back to the people.Whether ones listen or not-take action or not does not atter-I must bring the messages. It is what I do- bring messages to you from the world of Spirit.

And so now I will tell you what Spirit has shown me.

The solar flairs will magnify in intensity this Year- the Wormwood is upon us- and so-store back food, water and seeds. Find a space below ground to ride this out for a 6 month or more period.It will only be safe to go out at night. The temperatures will exceed 130 degrees even in Northern States.Some areas will receive an excess of rain-others will be in drought.

I suggest gardening in buckets and pots alot this year so you may keep the plants out of the burning sun when needed- and move them into shaded areas during the 10 am to 3 pm times.
Having rainbarrels to collect the Spring rains will help you very much to water your plants by hand.

The electric grid will not be able to keep up with the air conditioning needs and will burn out many times this Summer. Prepare places in the basement to relax during the heat of the day- taking a Siesta during the burning hours is a good way to pass the time!

Watch over your elderly and your young- they will be most at risk- as will the sick and ones who are pregnant.Watch over them-check on them and help them as needed!

Get yourself at least 50 lbs -better yet 150 lbs of beans and rice- as much canned foods as you can afford as these contain water and nutrition.Store up many cases of water(I am NOT in love with plastic bottles but this is an emergency situation)

Have some way to cook if the power goes out- and  a way to dispose of human and animal waste if the water goes off (I suggest a portable potty available at Army Navy Stores -or 5 gallon buckets with pine shavings/horse bedding or lime sprinkled over waste to keep any odors down))

You will want to buy extra toilet paper and baby wipes to keep clean!

I suggest a large stock of medicinal herbs and a book to teach you how to use them if you don't know already! .. also a stock of fever reducing meds, mucinex to loosen chest congestion,1st aid supplies, peroxide, alcohol and meds for diarhea . Have an extra supply of any needed prescription meds on hand too!

Get together with folks of likemind-you need a tribe of support! Get to know one another and check up on each other! Encourage each member of your group to prepare and let ones know if they must come to you for help-they best come with a ,load of food and water or they will not be allowed into your space--it is NOT yours or my job to prepare for those outside of our own household!

Grow as much as you can this year- harvest and prepare canned foods,dehydrated and even some frozen foods(these can be dehydrated or canned later if needed-personally I am doing very little freezing as I am not secure feeling about the electric grid this upcoming year )

Learn lifeskills that will be useful in a more simple,less luxury, more hard work life- learn to chop wood,learn to find water, learn to cook,to preserve food ,to make candles and soaps- learn how to sew and to craft-learn to identify wild edibles and wild medicinals...

Learn how to be in silence and turn of that infernal TV-it has your mind made of mush! You are 1/2 asleep when you spend too much time watching that mind controlling,mind numbing idiocity called entertainment  -some call it Satans eyeball !

These are just a few things-I will blog regularly on prepping and get more down and dirty with it- I am a New Earth prepper- but just like when you clean house or clean out a closet-it gets dirtier and messier before it gets better... this is what is and will happen more in the upcoming few years-at least through 2017 we will be in a huge Earth Shift!

Get ready ya'll-it will definitely be an adventure- sometimes kinda scary.. but in the end it is the Shift that must happen! Love and Light!

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