Thursday, March 15, 2012

Simplifying can allow you to follow your hearts calling!

I know way too many lightbearers,healers and psychics who are trapped. I also know alot of potential gardeners ,artists,musicians and writers in the same trap...

They are trapped in a 9 to 5 job-generally they hate their work-but financially they feel they have no choice but to stick with what they were trained in and know makes enough income to support them - and usually as they are intelligent,hard workers- most likely given more and more responsibility - extended hours up to 12 a day-6 days a week... sigh.

It is hard to get off the hamster wheel- the wheel that keeps you running,running,running- and never getting anywhere.

So many of my dear blessed friends want to slow down-want to do their true calling full time-but cannot see a way out!

I suggest-make a plan and work that plan. Make a plan to get out of the Matrix -THIS year!

Start by
Start learning to have only what you NEED or what you truly LOVE-let the rest go-sell it to pay off debts.

Rent out that overly large and expensive home and get something smaller.Move to a lower income section of town or country and work to spin positive energy for real change in those areas... or fill up those 3 extra bedrooms with boarders and make your house pay you!.. Let the boarders/renters pay rent and a share of utilities.

Make sure to pick room mates that are compatible with your lifestyle and goals-and themsleves have VERY similar goals - co-housing can be an amazing adventure if you choose well!

Take the extra money you are making and pay off any debts- have a goal of being debt free - and then practice a cash only life.. if you DON'T have the cash to afford something-you NEVER go in debt-you learn to just walk away from the impulse purchases.

Stay away from shopping as much as possible so you are not spending money you need to be holding on to-lots of lonely people shop to fill emotional needs - having compatible room mates will ease that loneliness as well!

Instead of recreational shopping and going out to eat so much- do free things-take picnics to the park-get a bike and start taking it on short trips -use less gas and burn those extra calories all at once!

If you can-use the bus - and let go of car ownership...or have a group car and divide the expenses with that as well-may take some juggling and scheduling -but it can work!


Grow a garden together, work towards more and more frugal living. Vegetarianism is an option to save money-instead of buying meat you buy TVPand organic fruits and veggies...or if you just LOVE meat and eggs- get some chickens and some rabbbits!Even urban homesteaders can have a certain number of "pet" chickens and rabbits!

 TVP- texturized vegetable protien costs about 2.00 a lbs-but you use 1 cup mixed with 3 cups of water to make the quantity of a lbs of meat-it looks like meat and mixed w spicey foods like chili and spaghetti sauce no ne knows it is NOT meat- a great way to stretch the budget!!

You could even go in together and buy bulk organic beef,pork,chicken from an organic farmer - especially ones that practice stress free/cruelty free  slaughter of the animals and honor the life force of the animal.

I suggest you never ever eat meat from a fast food place or a regular grocery store EVER!! That stuff is just plain nasty- all ground up and smothered in sauce you can't taste the garbage they are putting into our meat supply.

Native American call it SLAVE Meat-the poor animals are SO mistreated and we ingest the energy of their fear and pain!

Think about sharing tools and yard supplies- purchasing these and letting each memeber of your group take turns using it they must return it clean-in good repair and if it uses fuel-full of fuel!

If you put these things to practice you will find yourself becoming more and more financially free and capable of making the transition into doing your  TRUE CALLING full time!

The world right now needs Lightworkers doing their work- not as a side job-but as the focus of their lives!

I did it-so can you! I work FT as a Medicine Woman- I make probably 1/3 the income I did as a chef- but I am hundreds of times happier!! I spend my time doing what I KNOW I am meant to do-I wish that for you too-it is an amazing and joyful quality of life!!

If you want to be part of the forming Three Rivers Tribe Conscious Community and have a share in our community garden-yo can find us on Facebook! Just ask you join the group! Love to have you!

For a list of my scheduled events feel free to join my meetup
I have shamanic trance medium healing circles Wed and Thurs 4 to 6 pm and on Sat Noon-lots of other events like Usui and Seichim Reiki Attunements ,shaman training, psychic development and channeled message circles!
Because of simplifying my own financial life and being able to control my own schedule- I am able to let people pay what feels fair to them for events-for Reiki attunements and certifications there is a set fee-otherwise it is LOVE OFFERING!!

Hope you enjoyed the information-I am a TOTAL tightwad- homeschooled my 3 on a budget and live a very simple,frugal,happy life of service!!!

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