Being a lone wolf during the disruptions that are upcoming may help you survive but not necessarily thrive.
Yes sometimes it is easier to just do everything your self because people have a tendency to let you down-to flake out or not to follow through.. sure that is true-folks can be like that at times..
But humans like wolves are pack animals-we thrive best when in a community. If you get sick or injured there are others there to help you through-sometimes you will need care-other times you will be called on to give care.
When gardening it is loads easier having many hands working and harvesting- and even protecting if need be..
We need human contact and human interaction.
So I make the suggestion-form your New Earth Tribes-NOW- as a support system during the Great Earth Shifts we are in now through at least 2017.
Learn to grow and harvest and preserve foods- work with heilroom seeds and collect those seeds for the next year.
Learn lifeskills together that would include off grid living. Relearn old thyme lifeskills -it is fun to do and sets you up for an easier transition should the grid go down.
Learn about herbal healing,natural and holistic healing-energy healing, accupressure and such-learn 1st aid skills!
Learn about collecting and purifying water-rainbarrel collection and water conservation!
I personally felt a call to form the Three Rivers Tribe over in Penn Hills PA- it took about a year to cohese- but now we are growing a garden together ,had a memeber move next door and we are having regular gatherings getting to know one another!
We are on Facebook- feel free to ask to join! We would love to have a fully functioning thriving tribe! Several of the families and singles are looking for housing closer to us - and we are intending to purchase several homes right around the garden area as soon as possible!
Think about a community you might like to form- it is not all that hard if you think it through 1st- I am a Medicine Woman-as part Cherokee-I practice Native American Spirituality and do Native American healing-so for me setting up our tribe in a Native American Model makes sense- I am ecumenical and honor all Sacred Paths as long as they do no harm-our group is pagan friendly and gay friendly because that is how my heart calls me to live...
If you are more conservative or fundamental in your faith you will need to think about who and what you would feel comfortable living in close proximity with..for your own sake and for the sake of the ones who would be part of your group-there needs to be a common path and interests to limit conflicts later!
How defensive will your group be? I take a Shaolin Monk approach- we would never be offensive-but if force comes against us -we do have the right to protect and defend- and would should need arise. First however would be to energetically set up protective energy around the space so that any one that needs to be here finds us easily-but anyone who might do harm -we are simply unseen.. we put out an energy of invisibility.
Truly our intention is to be in a state of simplicity,peace and grace! We will meditate on peace and love-on bounty in the gardens-on health and healing .. and we will work in our neighborhood to be a force for good!
The energy of peace is the 1st line of defense - maintaining that during Earth Shifts will be the challenge-that is why community is so vital. We share food, we share space, we share work- we learn to love and honor each persons gifts and contributions!
Our New Earth tribe is more about compatible life style and beliefs rather than blood ties- we are of all races,colors,faiths-but our common interest is-Earth honoring, freedom of personal choices ,a belief that the Earth is Shifting and that a positive and loving New Earth will spring out of the ashes of the old unsustainable system destined to fall.
We honor the old ways of tribal self sufficiency,living simply, caretaking of the Mother Earths Resources-most of us work with natural healing, the arts and music..
We are part of the Rainbow Warriors of prophecy- our coming together ushers in an age of Peace- we relearn the old ways and learn to honor each members personal path of power!
In love and light we seek to serve the GREATER GOOD!
Be blessed and a blessing! AHO!
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