We are so concerned about prepping for disasters,Earth Shifts,disease,war - we prep with loads of food ,water,hygiene items, cooking,lighting and heating needs,protection needs... but let's not forget about FUN...
Simple pleasures and fun times while we are bugging in..
People in our society are used to being entertained all the time- and when we are bugging in we need to prepare for keeping our minds and bodies engaged.
It won't take long for boredom to set in...
with boredom comes conflict..and in a tight space that could become a huge problem!
SO-let's do some prepping for fun, stress relief and even some exercise!
We are planning to bug in in our basement.
We will have a bed there, a living room area ,a little kitchen set up, a bathroom area -room for our supplies ,our protection.. but also we will have cards and board games-chess,checkers,yahtzee and I love CLUE , an exercise bike (hmm should set that up as a power generator or grain mill) weights to work out -
We will have a library of books both educational and entertaining (I am a BIG Agatha Christie Mystery Fan)..so with that I will need plenty of lantern oil and an extra set or 2 of reading glasses!
We will have plenty of chocolate and other candies stored and booze! We have an old fashioned popcorn popper and plenty of pop corn.. so we can have game nights!
What about .. ahem ... sex.???.Basically the best stress reliever there is...and well we will plan for that too- if others are sharing the space we will need a room divider- hanging a quilt we have already will do... if no one is here - well it is ON-lol -I am past having to worry about pregnancy so we don't have to prep for that.. maybe just some feminine wipes to clean up if there is no running water...and think about having a battery operated vibrator and plenty of batteries -yeah I said it- keep a few fun sex toys in your prepper gear!! lol
If you are child bearing age- you need to prep condoms or other birth control ..something you DON'T have to get through prescription as a backup ! Getting pregnant during this time is a bad idea! Watch yourself- there will be less availability for prenatal care and also your diet may not be sufficient to either carry a healthy baby- or then to nurse one!
In stressful situations- even life threatening ones people tend to let down their guard when it comes to sex- so be prepared! Not a great time to bring a baby into the world! Soon it will be-but let things get stabilized 1st!
If you already have little ones you have to think about entertaining them as well- possibly quietly.. and you MUST train them to sit still and be quiet on command! This is for the safety of your family- it need not be stressful or mean-just start with teaching them to be silent and still for 5 minutes with a reward - then build to 10 minutes and so on- maybe let them quietly look at a picture book.
For children and adults too- coloring books,crayons,paint by number kits,playdo,building blocks,leggoes,lots of books -for abit older knitting and crocheting supplies,hand sewing supplies .
Each day ones should work at least 4 hours in the space tidying, sweeping,dusting,rearranging-to keep the boredom at bay! One person needs to be on guard duty .
Each day everyone should work out as well to stay in shape- by ridng the exercise bike or by walking in place..lifting weights or calisthetics! Get the kids involved too-
If you can risk a radio or cassette turned down low - then a little dancing is FUN and de stressing !
After you bug in for at least a month to let things settle down... it may be safe to go out- if you haven't heard any gun fire in many days.
It may be safer to go out at night or in the very early predawn hours ..for abit -in the Winter to gather fire wood ,snow for melting and in the warm weather-to gather water if you have a spring or hidden rain barrels -to tend to your emergency garden -to let the dog out for abit( I suggest a muzzle to keep them quiet )really warn the children to play quietly -hopefully they can run a little and get out some energy.. if possible maybe you can prep a run space fairly well hidden or really close to your bug in space- just so they and you can get some fresh air.
You will also need to get outside to dispose of waste-both animal and human -maybe a good idea to think about that NOW- how you will dispose of this! Well that isn't fun-but it is REAL.. and how much fun will you have in a smelly space anyhow!! Let's work to keep our bug in space clean- fresh smelling,decluttered and tidy..
A lack of sunshine can bring on depression-Think about a grow light- even solar powered outdoor statues you can bring in at night for comfort - see if you can have a sunny space to sun bathe -even a little window with sunlight hitting you just on your head can alleviate depression! Notice how animals sunbathe- we need that too-
Keep yourself clean with sponge bathes- there is no excuse to get funky! The less soap you use the less rinsing you need- look for sponge bath supplies for your bug in space- it doesn't take alot of water to get nice and clean! I would start by using the water I rinsed my sprouting seeds with- then heat up that water ...put in a wash tub -If you use just a small dab of non toxic soaps- all natural castille- you may be able to in a small bowl of water wash you- wash socks and undies - then water plants ( I hope you have a hidden window or a grow light to grow some plants indoors ..that in itself will help you feel better !!
I am planning not to just survive the Great Shifts we are in NOW- but to thrive!
The system we are in now is unsustainable - and will fall.
When civilizations have fallen there is always a time of Chaos-the wise ones prepare and so are able to lay low during these times! Let us be the wise ones-the survivors.. so we may rebuild a more heart centered society- a society that respects all the races of mankind-let us learn to nurture and care for our Mother Earth for the next 7 generations WE SERVE!!
Love and Light- New Earth Prepper has spoken! AHO!
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