This past Winter I was busy as a Medicine Woman doing my work for others- healing, doing Sacred Ceremony,teaching.
But the Seasons have changed and now is time to close down those activities and focus on the garden,on ingathering and preparation.
A time of quiet as regards the bustle of the world, no more promotion and organizing of events- at least for NOW
My garden calls me to disconnect from the world
My garden calls me to CONNECT to Mother Earth,the overlighting Diva of the Garden,the Faerie folk- and also to those animals that would love to make an easy meal of my garden.
I am Shaman-I talk with these ones-the deer,the groundhog, the rabbits - and the crows- I say-please do not eat our human food-there is plenty for you all around the valley. I love you but I seal you off from entering my garden- if you violate the order of the Shaman I am sorry- bad things will happen to you- ie the deer will become deer burgers and such...I DO NOT want that to happen SO I pray they listen.
All beings in 3rd dimension have free will- so will they listen? I believe so- last year taught me one can energetically protect their garden space.Just by prayer and sending out the energy of protection- a sort of energetic forcefield arpund the garden.
This year the harvest is very important as we will be putting by for the Great Earth Shift 2012 through 2017.
I hope to put by 100 lbs of potatos, a dozen cabbage, many lbs of carrots and many pumpkins and winter squash.I plan to keep the Fall late greens preserved in the garden as late as I can with hay- and to can lots of these yummy greens for meals later on..
My goal is to can 100 quarts of green beans , 100 quarts of tomatoes, to freeze squash and corn,I want to can as well at least 25 quarts each of apples and peachs as well as several dozen jars of jams and jellies.
I will dehydrate potatoes,onions,garlic, squash,beans ,corn and make lots of jerky... watch out deer come into my garden and it could be YOU in that jerky!
Besides the homegrown items I plan to purchase cases of canned and bottled items for my prep closet-our intention is that by the end of THIS Summer we have 2 years of stock.Honestly lots of plain meat and potatoes type of foods- beans and rice- and supplement with canned and fresh fruits and veggies- also sprouting bi-weekly for fresh taste,high vitamin content and fiber.
From my herbs bed and wild crafted herbs I will make teas, tinctures, salves and ointments for healing.
I have a plan of focus and it will require pulling back from doing more public work.
I will still see several clients a week for shamanic healing or intuitive counsel -but instead of groups -I will work with individuals at 120.00 per hour session.Prepaid/non refundable
I am also doing my shaman art-pieces range from $2200 to $7500 -I plan to have an art showing later in the Fall after the harvest is over.
The way I will work my schedule is this
Meditation and breakfast 8 am
Blog writing - 9 am
In the garden by 10 am for 2 hours
Bath and nap-Noon to 2 pm
Dinner prep.
See clients by appointment only-Mon and Tues 3 to 7
Art - Wed to Fri 3 to 7
Weekends are for fun and work around the place.
You see I am semi retired from public work.
My healing is so intense I limit the amount of time I do it and how many people I can help in a week - is 5 or 6 .. the psychic surgery and transport mediumship I do tires me- for a few days I am in intense pain as I take on the clients sickness and process it through.So-there for I am NOT cheap and I only work with a few people at a time!
I am looking forward to my Spring and Summer of art and gardening!
Have a blessed harvest!
This year is going to be starange and intense-put back your goods-it is a time to plant!
Love and Light to you!! Sandra Bear Davis
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
What if? We rethink this to handle it a better way!?
I will say this- when the SHTF I DO intend to go underground and stay in and quiet for 3 to 6 months- we can protect our space and just plan to be silent and unseen...that 1st 6 months will be the worst time-but when we crawl out of our self preserving,survivalist hole-then what..?
Alot of people will have passed away. Alot of people will be left barely hanging on- what do we do then?....
I hope lots of good hearted preppers think about this one-because if alot of us do this-it makes it easier on everyone!
Alright I was born into a survivalist home- guns behind every door-boxs of ammo beneath beds and ...we were taught to shoot at a very young age.
We grew a big garden and put by tons of food- my Dad always believed in self sufficiency with a 2 year food supply as the goal.
I get that.
He and I have had some debates over the years about how to handle the hungry throngs. His idea is blow them away to protect your keep. I have always had an inner conflict with this thinking.
Now I live the life of a New Ager and Healer. I am all about love, light,peace and Oneness.
Bustin a cap in someone is really not part of the energy of my life.. yet I know I have it in me to protect my own.
I am formulating a plan of action that is practical, has a survival element yet allows me to live peacefully .
When you think about the starving throngs- OK- those are NOT zombies- they are people ....likely really GOOD people-who were not aware of what was happening or had not prepped enough.Maybe they bought into what the news media and other sources of "information" have ben misleading them into..they didn't have the privilege of being brought up by people who could think for themselves..
They are gonna be lost,scared and hungry-oh my gosh.. am I as a healer gonna turn them away?
I just couldn't do that..
I say- what does a starving person want anyway? Likely a little something to eat-something warm to drink- then maybe a safe place to sleep and then maybe other people to form a community with..I am thinking this... prepare to feed people.
I am talking depression era soup kitchen -mornings oatmeal -lunchtime soup and a slice of bread and hopefully evening something easy like chili or spaghetti...nothing fancy- but something filling.
Instead of shooting starving people why not treat them with respect and love?
and you say=-oh lord child you are so gonna get killed..
Well maybe.. but I am not exactly stupid. We would definitely have at least 4 to 6 armed and trusted guards around the area -in case anyone wanted to be a bad -arse.. and ones coming to us for food would then have to earn their meals by putting in work time in the kitchen ,doing cleaning or not day 1 when they may be weak and exhausted-but in time -yes it gives one a sense of purpose-I don't believe in hand outs.. but I DO in a hand UP!.
A 9 square foot intensively planted spot can feed a each person would be given seeds and taught to tend at least 4 times that much-we would have food gardens all around the area - we would also wild forage- sprout seeds... we would prepare ourself to feed ones coming to us...
Luckily we live in an area with plenty of water-there are Springs between every hill- and we can gather water from these..
We would need to build an outdoor cob oven- and have outdoor wood burning cooking areas...I want to build these NOW before they are really needed and learn how to cook on them well... we would need to learn to harvest and work with acorns to make flour and bread!...I believe as a tribe it could be done!
How am I gonna fund this-??? I don't know- but I do believe the things upcoming are fore-ordained and in the hands of a higher power I call Great Spirit.. this one will provide the means to provide for others!
I am thinking that what if I or one of my grown children were in the plight of wandering hungry and every where you turn is a gun in the face and rejection- that is actually dehumanizing.. and I believe the Earth Shifts are here to aid us in ascension-not degeneration!
So yeah-I am a prepper-I am a New Earth Prepper. I know the times upcoming are quite likely to be challenging to the extreme-but I intend to walk through this a better person- not someone who became an animal to protect a bag of beans.
Alot of people will have passed away. Alot of people will be left barely hanging on- what do we do then?....
I hope lots of good hearted preppers think about this one-because if alot of us do this-it makes it easier on everyone!
Alright I was born into a survivalist home- guns behind every door-boxs of ammo beneath beds and ...we were taught to shoot at a very young age.
We grew a big garden and put by tons of food- my Dad always believed in self sufficiency with a 2 year food supply as the goal.
I get that.
He and I have had some debates over the years about how to handle the hungry throngs. His idea is blow them away to protect your keep. I have always had an inner conflict with this thinking.
Now I live the life of a New Ager and Healer. I am all about love, light,peace and Oneness.
Bustin a cap in someone is really not part of the energy of my life.. yet I know I have it in me to protect my own.
I am formulating a plan of action that is practical, has a survival element yet allows me to live peacefully .
When you think about the starving throngs- OK- those are NOT zombies- they are people ....likely really GOOD people-who were not aware of what was happening or had not prepped enough.Maybe they bought into what the news media and other sources of "information" have ben misleading them into..they didn't have the privilege of being brought up by people who could think for themselves..
They are gonna be lost,scared and hungry-oh my gosh.. am I as a healer gonna turn them away?
I just couldn't do that..
I say- what does a starving person want anyway? Likely a little something to eat-something warm to drink- then maybe a safe place to sleep and then maybe other people to form a community with..I am thinking this... prepare to feed people.
I am talking depression era soup kitchen -mornings oatmeal -lunchtime soup and a slice of bread and hopefully evening something easy like chili or spaghetti...nothing fancy- but something filling.
Instead of shooting starving people why not treat them with respect and love?
and you say=-oh lord child you are so gonna get killed..
Well maybe.. but I am not exactly stupid. We would definitely have at least 4 to 6 armed and trusted guards around the area -in case anyone wanted to be a bad -arse.. and ones coming to us for food would then have to earn their meals by putting in work time in the kitchen ,doing cleaning or not day 1 when they may be weak and exhausted-but in time -yes it gives one a sense of purpose-I don't believe in hand outs.. but I DO in a hand UP!.
A 9 square foot intensively planted spot can feed a each person would be given seeds and taught to tend at least 4 times that much-we would have food gardens all around the area - we would also wild forage- sprout seeds... we would prepare ourself to feed ones coming to us...
Luckily we live in an area with plenty of water-there are Springs between every hill- and we can gather water from these..
We would need to build an outdoor cob oven- and have outdoor wood burning cooking areas...I want to build these NOW before they are really needed and learn how to cook on them well... we would need to learn to harvest and work with acorns to make flour and bread!...I believe as a tribe it could be done!
How am I gonna fund this-??? I don't know- but I do believe the things upcoming are fore-ordained and in the hands of a higher power I call Great Spirit.. this one will provide the means to provide for others!
I am thinking that what if I or one of my grown children were in the plight of wandering hungry and every where you turn is a gun in the face and rejection- that is actually dehumanizing.. and I believe the Earth Shifts are here to aid us in ascension-not degeneration!
So yeah-I am a prepper-I am a New Earth Prepper. I know the times upcoming are quite likely to be challenging to the extreme-but I intend to walk through this a better person- not someone who became an animal to protect a bag of beans.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Getting the messages out while we still can!
Please read and take action! I hope to encourage you to please have 6 months to a year of supplies on hand- including food like beans and rice-canned vegs and fruits - lots of drinking water and supplies for your pets! Have stocked up hygiene and medical supplies and work to form a community of support!
I believe an apocalypse is coming.I believe the system we are in is corrupt and unsustainable - and that the Creator of us ALL will intervene. I have studied many different paths and seen the energy they all work with is a Loving Being with a thousand names...neither male nor female and yet both... I am not religiously affiliated or politically affiliated..I do take a rather Native American viewpoint but as a mixed blood have found a great deal of anger and rejection of one such as me in that system as well... I don't follow any one particular prophecy or belief system. I am a person that believes in everything and nothing...I prep for the worst case scenario while holding hope that all will be well and good -no worries.
I just look around at all the different religions beliefs about "end of times" and " last days" I look at the news concerning the economy and see the energy BEHIND what is being spoken-I see the energy of lies being told- and KNOW things are far worse than we know..I here about catastrophes on the Earth and know-more is coming -this is JUST THE BEGINNING.. I see man drill too deep into the Earth-man greedily pollutes the waters and confuses animal kingdom with his technology ..we are seeing kill offs in the animal kingdom caused by our modern cell phones,sonar,radar and microwave energy..
I believe we are also nearing a time called Wormwood- giant solar flares that will burn and scorch those who are killing their own Mother Earth. When these come-drought, no electricity for a decade or more- crops being scorched. Many people dying off because they have no electricity for air conditioning and refrigerators and watching too much mind numbing tv has atrophied their mind and ability to be practical and self preserving! Cars and trucks cease to run when their onboard computers fail- no food in the grocery stores after 3 days- no water..
People that have failed to prepare WILL die. Even some of those that have prepared may succumb to illness well- but likely they will find a way.For you see those that have prepared have nimble minds and a self preserving mindset..they will find a way to make something from little..
In the coming shifts modern medicine will not function well as it is dependant on electricity and prescribing pills. Most have forgotten how to be real healers.
Besides being a prepper I am a healer-not that many people come to me now- some do but not many.I let people pay what feels fair to their own hearts.But people fear me for some reason-which is wierd because I am actually a sweet easy going person! I am putting out the word NOW so that when society shifts you can find me- I am a person that heals with hands and voice and with herbs and with the healing energy of the angels.
I am also one who can teach you how to heal with herbs and how to live simply and close to Mother Earth!Right now not much needed to be honest.. but in the future -this year I have foreseen being quite busy as things begin to shift!
Now and into the future-even when the power fails and the world is in chaos- (wait -no when SHTF I intend to go underground for at least 3 to 6 months to wait for things to settle down abit ...
For NOW_I invite you to drop by Monday to Thursday -I am open from 3 to 7 pm .I do trance medium healing and intuitive counsel-or come by for a cup of tea and a chat ..Ones pay me what feels fair to their hearts! You can rsvp through Thank you!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
New Earth Preppers Call to Action
I believe this old system is unsustainable and doomed/fated to collapse..rather than a bleak future /Mad Max or the Road or the Book of Eli... I see a rebuilding coming-A New Earth where folks have learned lessons about how to treat the Earth and Each other...I believe we will enter into a Golden Era of the Rainbow People(people of every color and religion coming together in peace and Oneness).. if we start this process with love and compassion.. hard work... commitment to building a better future for the 7 generations following behind-and also some plain old street smarts!
If you like prepping for coming Earth changes I know you are watching Doomsday Preppers. I know I am -I really enjoy learning different things and seeing how other people are prepping.
There is a huge difference in most preppers attitude and mine though... most of the preppers I see are going to fend off fight and kill anyone trying to take their food stores and basically seperate themselves from I DO see that potential at 1st but I have a bit of a moral dilemna being a healer ...
This is what I plan to do..
When society collapses ( and yes I believe it is WHEN not IF) -whether from War,Economic Collapse ,Earth Shake Ups/Quakes,Volcanoes,Tidal Waves,Etc,,,whether it is Solar Flares or Electromagnetic Pulse/EMP...I encourage everyone around me to have a minimum 6 month to 2 years supply of food and water -I encourage ones to lay low while society is melting down- get as low and quiet as you can and let things go all to heck and back...the reason being is that I see a time when people in their panic are more animal than human.
I don't intend to feed people that have heard and not acted. Anyone has the capability to stock up beans and rice...especially ones on food stamps-heck they have more to spend on food than I do-but I manage to put back a good deal of items every other week at pay day. ( and right now we are on unemployment and my little healing biz brings in a tiny tad - not much at all- but whatever it is I put in gas for my car, a little in my pocket and I prep w the rest!)
I am putting in a fairly large garden this year and intend (if I have time before the shifts /shtf) to can at LEAST 300 jars of different foods-mainly beans,corn,tomatoes and soup base-to dry loads of other veg as well as simply store onions,cabbage,potatoes,carrots,sweet potatoes and winter squash in a cool dry area...
After 6 months to up to a year of laying low- when it feels safe to do so I plan to open a soup kitchen for survivors... and to grow a big garden with a group for putting back ingredients for the soup - we will be armed... so no one can come in and take more than their share...but I want to have a veggie soup and maybe a slice of bread soup long as ones come by in peace - we are good. All I will ask is some time spent helping in the garden or gathering wod and wild foraging for food ...I think this will be a good way to rebuild society- just to come together for soup....
We will need to energetically set protections that ones doing harm would not magnetize to us-but ones that need this help ARE drawn to our little garden..
This year I plan to build a cob oven and a rocket stove for outdoor cooking.We have loads of wood all around us -with a group we can gather more wood- at that time the survivors may be low on food or may have had to bug out of their own space...spirit tells me this is a safe zone..we will encourage ones to move into the abandoned houses nearby and encourage ones to plant whatever they can in their new yards- .. which reminds me-harvest far more seeds than we ever think we will need-so ones have seeds to plant!
I will also be offering these survivors energy healing and intuitive counsel. I hope that Drs. and nurses will be magnetized to work with us.. no I will INTEND it to be so!!...Being part of the rebuilding-It gives me a purpose and hopefully will give them some healing and comfort.
I foresee a time upcoming where we will need to lay low and remain unseen- so PLEASE prepare for 6 months to a year of staying inside and eating what you have put by- I encourage also canned foods - as they contain quite alot of water.. and have been heated in processing so (unless they are bulging-DON'T eat that) are fine to eat cold right out of the can .. probably the 1st 6 weeks will be the worse time so a fire could draw attention to you- and the smell of cooking food will not be a good idea to eating cold canned foods for 6 weeks is a great way to remain unseen and silent!
I encourage ones also to have some emergency hidden gardens - that is not hard to do if you are smart about it-also having sprouting seeds is a great idea so you get some fresh veg- try to set in a window or somewhere where sun is streaming in for a few hours the last day to get chlorophyll.
You ought to sit in that sunny spot too and get some sun at least on your face -it will be important to get some sun on you- for alleviating depression and fatigue-body aches and to generally feel better and more hopeful1 Think of how your pets sun bathe...
Well that is enough for now-I am going to go build 2 rows of my garden- we are doing a no till natural garden-and each day this month my plan is to build 2 rows-or beds depending on what is going to be planted! Working on my 3 sisters patch now-corn,beans and squash!
Great love and light to you!!
New Earth Prepper has spoken-over and out!!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Time for phase II- Healthy prepper foods!
We have gotten together quite abit of prepped foods -but with my husbands health condition improving with eating a very healthy diet I see a need to change the way I am prepping quite abit..
Don't get me wrong-all the canned goods will still be there as emergency back up- but what I prepped was alot of processed foods we are no longer eating-like canned vegs and fruits-spam, boxed cake and brownie mixs,canned ham,canned chicken,etc..
We are not eating canned foods because of the chemicals in the lining of the cans now that are really unhealthy and the fact that most of the meat is laden w chemicals and such ! We are eating REAL organic breads and working toward homemade goodies from real ingredients..( Real to me is the natural food not chemically altered or w additives)
This week in my prepping I am going to a lovely produce stand and getting celery,carrots and maybe some other fruit and veggies to eat fresh - but also to start dehydrating.
I am going to the organic food co-op and getting several lbs. each of dried foods- beans,rice,tvp, bulgur wheat ,herbs and maybe some organic honey,molasses and maple syrup- think I will get some bulk granola and keep in the freezer to keep fresh-then if SHTF - just pull it out of the freezer
If power goes out - I plan to take freezer items and dry anyway... I don't stock alot of meat anyway-my husband is eating vegetarian and I am semi-veg!
Whatever meats we get now will be organic- we saw the info on pink slime- had watched a PBS show on food production and one day my hubby got behind a truck load of diseased looking cows... he had a gut feeling they were headed to slaughter and would be in the food chain soon as cheap meat..he said-I am NEVER eating fast food again.. and you know what-He hasn't!!
Me either now.. I had a bad experience w a pube hair at Taco Bell in my food- and found out too most fast food places use the pink slime as fillers in their burgers.. bleck!
We are going to do our best to prep with healthier foods- real food!That nourish the cells and waters in our bodies!
Good nutrition is vital to fend off diseases-it also helps our minds be clearer and sharper!
I am going to be home canning a ton from our garden and organic markets..including some stewed chicken and beef-
Making a switch to healthy eating makes prepping a little more expensive and a bit harder truthfully- but I am going to do it-NO I AM doing it.. it has started..
Soon thecheapo unhealthy spammo foods will be shoved in the back and the last thing we would ever use-glad to have it-hope we never have to be forced to eat it.. but ya never know!!
Don't get me wrong-all the canned goods will still be there as emergency back up- but what I prepped was alot of processed foods we are no longer eating-like canned vegs and fruits-spam, boxed cake and brownie mixs,canned ham,canned chicken,etc..
We are not eating canned foods because of the chemicals in the lining of the cans now that are really unhealthy and the fact that most of the meat is laden w chemicals and such ! We are eating REAL organic breads and working toward homemade goodies from real ingredients..( Real to me is the natural food not chemically altered or w additives)
This week in my prepping I am going to a lovely produce stand and getting celery,carrots and maybe some other fruit and veggies to eat fresh - but also to start dehydrating.
I am going to the organic food co-op and getting several lbs. each of dried foods- beans,rice,tvp, bulgur wheat ,herbs and maybe some organic honey,molasses and maple syrup- think I will get some bulk granola and keep in the freezer to keep fresh-then if SHTF - just pull it out of the freezer
If power goes out - I plan to take freezer items and dry anyway... I don't stock alot of meat anyway-my husband is eating vegetarian and I am semi-veg!
Whatever meats we get now will be organic- we saw the info on pink slime- had watched a PBS show on food production and one day my hubby got behind a truck load of diseased looking cows... he had a gut feeling they were headed to slaughter and would be in the food chain soon as cheap meat..he said-I am NEVER eating fast food again.. and you know what-He hasn't!!
Me either now.. I had a bad experience w a pube hair at Taco Bell in my food- and found out too most fast food places use the pink slime as fillers in their burgers.. bleck!
We are going to do our best to prep with healthier foods- real food!That nourish the cells and waters in our bodies!
Good nutrition is vital to fend off diseases-it also helps our minds be clearer and sharper!
I am going to be home canning a ton from our garden and organic markets..including some stewed chicken and beef-
Making a switch to healthy eating makes prepping a little more expensive and a bit harder truthfully- but I am going to do it-NO I AM doing it.. it has started..
Soon thecheapo unhealthy spammo foods will be shoved in the back and the last thing we would ever use-glad to have it-hope we never have to be forced to eat it.. but ya never know!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A Message from Gaia-why things MUST change!
I am a Medicine Woman- a Shaman.. we spend all of our time walking between the World of mundane /everyday life... and the world of Spirit.
We take message back to the people-for healing,warnings, and to become more in line and in harmony with Nature...
To Me Gaia is the crystalline energy form that dwells in the center of the Earth- she is as large as the Moon..She is immensely intelligent and connected to US-though we can block our ability to communicate and access Her.. by the wearing of artificially manufactured fibers- such as plastics- oil based products...getting knowledge through the bottom of our barefeet is the reason so many people like me rarely have on shoes!! about " Constant Contact"
There is an intelligent energy grid formed around the whole earth- it is in the form of microscopic mushrooms- and wise ones -ones who are clear in their auric field and chakra system- who practice mindfullness,meditation and know how to be QUIET... these ones can "Hear" or at least have clear knowing/clair sentience- maybe they don't hear words but they just KNOW...and have learned to TRUST... THAT THEY KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW..
I receive my messages many ways- sometimes I hear-sometimes I channel or relay messages through my voice- sometimes I feel and know..sometimes I see and I relay what I am depends- and sometimes... oh boy.. I feel the sickness coursing through Mother Earths Bloodstreams- the Water...
The reason- or ONE of the principle reasons we need the Great Earth Shift- is we are " Water Beings" and I are mostly water- bound together with some minerals- we look solid because of vibrating energy.. but we ARE WATER BASED LIFE FORMS!
And the waters of this Earth are being poisoned too quickly to be assimilated.. think of the Gulf Oil Spill- the oil is yet down there choking the seabed and changing the Jet Stream- man is causing climate changes... and yet many of you do not know this- or do not WANT to know this...
The pollution - by radiation of the Oceans Near Japan- the radiation is still going down down has not stopped-just because ones don't report on it- it is still happening.. again most of you
The fractillation of the earth through mining for Gas- now there is the greatest polluter of Mother Earths blood stream of all time..
Spirit says to me-imagine- 5000 humans falling down dead at your feet each DAY they allow this drilling- they will die slowly- and often it will be attributed to another source.. but the poisoning of the waters will mutate the human cell-which is of course -water based... this will cause diseases rare.. rare ..rare to become widespread.. this will be covered up of course..
The ones doing this KNOW- they KNOW-what they are doing will kill- and the ones dying are looked at collateral damage- as they see the drilling for deep deep pockets in the sand layers to be " for the greater good"... they KNOW we will die- and if you stood 5000 people in front of them and killed them in front of their eyes- their lack of basic human understanding and a calloused conscience- as long as it was not THEIR child- the same -it is for the greater good...kill them...
About this I make no joke-I am not telling lies- I am telling truth.. AND YET YOU DO NOT WISH TO HEAR OR SEE!
Mother Earth will begin shaking in earnest- on or near May 12th- it begins... each month will be a greater shaking and a greater quaking- at last you will wake up.. please,please Divine Mother-Holy Father.. let it be in time!
This is the reason I prepare- as Spirit has told me- do not fight... in that time my people will go into hiding and will let the Divine Celestial Mother and the Holy Father- the Archangels ,Yeshua and the Mother Gaia -working together- will shake off her fleas...there will be no turning back then...
I have given the message out to the people
The people must then decide... are these the words of a fool.. or has she heard the voice of Spirit..
Then once you have decided- act upon what your heart says is true..
Either way- thank you for hearing the message today!
Be blessed and a blessing!
Aho! SandraBear has spoken and it is so...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Prepping for fun times!
We are so concerned about prepping for disasters,Earth Shifts,disease,war - we prep with loads of food ,water,hygiene items, cooking,lighting and heating needs,protection needs... but let's not forget about FUN...
Simple pleasures and fun times while we are bugging in..
People in our society are used to being entertained all the time- and when we are bugging in we need to prepare for keeping our minds and bodies engaged.
It won't take long for boredom to set in...
with boredom comes conflict..and in a tight space that could become a huge problem!
SO-let's do some prepping for fun, stress relief and even some exercise!
We are planning to bug in in our basement.
We will have a bed there, a living room area ,a little kitchen set up, a bathroom area -room for our supplies ,our protection.. but also we will have cards and board games-chess,checkers,yahtzee and I love CLUE , an exercise bike (hmm should set that up as a power generator or grain mill) weights to work out -
We will have a library of books both educational and entertaining (I am a BIG Agatha Christie Mystery Fan) with that I will need plenty of lantern oil and an extra set or 2 of reading glasses!
We will have plenty of chocolate and other candies stored and booze! We have an old fashioned popcorn popper and plenty of pop corn.. so we can have game nights!
What about .. ahem ... sex.???.Basically the best stress reliever there is...and well we will plan for that too- if others are sharing the space we will need a room divider- hanging a quilt we have already will do... if no one is here - well it is ON-lol -I am past having to worry about pregnancy so we don't have to prep for that.. maybe just some feminine wipes to clean up if there is no running water...and think about having a battery operated vibrator and plenty of batteries -yeah I said it- keep a few fun sex toys in your prepper gear!! lol
If you are child bearing age- you need to prep condoms or other birth control ..something you DON'T have to get through prescription as a backup ! Getting pregnant during this time is a bad idea! Watch yourself- there will be less availability for prenatal care and also your diet may not be sufficient to either carry a healthy baby- or then to nurse one!
In stressful situations- even life threatening ones people tend to let down their guard when it comes to sex- so be prepared! Not a great time to bring a baby into the world! Soon it will be-but let things get stabilized 1st!
If you already have little ones you have to think about entertaining them as well- possibly quietly.. and you MUST train them to sit still and be quiet on command! This is for the safety of your family- it need not be stressful or mean-just start with teaching them to be silent and still for 5 minutes with a reward - then build to 10 minutes and so on- maybe let them quietly look at a picture book.
For children and adults too- coloring books,crayons,paint by number kits,playdo,building blocks,leggoes,lots of books -for abit older knitting and crocheting supplies,hand sewing supplies .
Each day ones should work at least 4 hours in the space tidying, sweeping,dusting,rearranging-to keep the boredom at bay! One person needs to be on guard duty .
Each day everyone should work out as well to stay in shape- by ridng the exercise bike or by walking in place..lifting weights or calisthetics! Get the kids involved too-
If you can risk a radio or cassette turned down low - then a little dancing is FUN and de stressing !
After you bug in for at least a month to let things settle down... it may be safe to go out- if you haven't heard any gun fire in many days.
It may be safer to go out at night or in the very early predawn hours ..for abit -in the Winter to gather fire wood ,snow for melting and in the warm weather-to gather water if you have a spring or hidden rain barrels -to tend to your emergency garden -to let the dog out for abit( I suggest a muzzle to keep them quiet )really warn the children to play quietly -hopefully they can run a little and get out some energy.. if possible maybe you can prep a run space fairly well hidden or really close to your bug in space- just so they and you can get some fresh air.
You will also need to get outside to dispose of waste-both animal and human -maybe a good idea to think about that NOW- how you will dispose of this! Well that isn't fun-but it is REAL.. and how much fun will you have in a smelly space anyhow!! Let's work to keep our bug in space clean- fresh smelling,decluttered and tidy..
A lack of sunshine can bring on depression-Think about a grow light- even solar powered outdoor statues you can bring in at night for comfort - see if you can have a sunny space to sun bathe -even a little window with sunlight hitting you just on your head can alleviate depression! Notice how animals sunbathe- we need that too-
Keep yourself clean with sponge bathes- there is no excuse to get funky! The less soap you use the less rinsing you need- look for sponge bath supplies for your bug in space- it doesn't take alot of water to get nice and clean! I would start by using the water I rinsed my sprouting seeds with- then heat up that water ...put in a wash tub -If you use just a small dab of non toxic soaps- all natural castille- you may be able to in a small bowl of water wash you- wash socks and undies - then water plants ( I hope you have a hidden window or a grow light to grow some plants indoors ..that in itself will help you feel better !!
I am planning not to just survive the Great Shifts we are in NOW- but to thrive!
The system we are in now is unsustainable - and will fall.
When civilizations have fallen there is always a time of Chaos-the wise ones prepare and so are able to lay low during these times! Let us be the wise ones-the survivors.. so we may rebuild a more heart centered society- a society that respects all the races of mankind-let us learn to nurture and care for our Mother Earth for the next 7 generations WE SERVE!!
Love and Light- New Earth Prepper has spoken! AHO!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
One pot wonder
I was having a conversation with my husband Charlie-about SHTF meals.
After watching Doomsday Preppers one evening-the lady that cooks gourmet meals from her shelf stable foods- he said-"I hope we can have some meals like that"....
and that got me to thinking... which is NOT safe!!! heehee
Alright- what crossed my mind is -in a SHTF scenario- likely no electricity or running water- you want a gourmet meal- you can haul and heat the water and do the crazy amounts of dishes- cause it AIN"T gonna be Sandy!!
As for me- it is One Pot Wonders baby...
Paper plates and bowls -at least till things settle down and services are either restored or we figure out how to manage...or heat and eat out of a can- that works for me .
We each have a mess kit - we can cook with it and eat out of it- yeah I may make salmon patties in a little oil -fry em up then heat some green beans and corn together in the salmon oil - open up a can of peachs- you ask me in a SHTF scenario-that IS gourmet!!
He gets 3 salmon patties ,I get 2 ,the dog gets 2 ,each kitty gets one each... keep us going anyway ,huh??? and yes I am prepping for my pets too...
I swear he thinks it is gonna be turn on the spicket- and water will come out... sigh! People that were raised up with everything and never ever had to make do are gonna be lost without practical folks like you and me around...
I believe a New Earth is coming-but I also believe we are going to have some years of intense and NOT EASY Shifts!
We are going to be tested by FIRE .. and we have to be willing to think ahead and prepare NOW- don't wait a minute longer! I fear my super sweet and lalalalala -everything is OK- all is well- nothing bad can happen if we think positive thoughts -friends.. are gonna be SO lost!
THAT is why I am SHOUTING NOW... do something-wakey wakey...if you don't my friend- I AM NOT HERE TO RESCUE YOU,FEED YOU,HOUSE YOU...
I am here to HOPEFULLY open ... your ... eyes - before the trials start.. once it begins I am laying low- keeping quiet-protecting my homestead.. until Great Spirit speaks and it is time to come up and forward again!~ do not rely on anyone else to do this for you- prepare NOW.. it takes months to get it together.. but it CAN be done!
So much for multi course gourmet meals- at least for a time .. we come upon an age when a simple pot of beans with some rehydrated onion flakes and heavenly , heavenly perhaps- a cake of cornbread and some chow chow would be as luscious as an lobster dinner could be NOW.. if we embrace simplicity NOW- it makes it much easier to prep- and it leaves us the resources to do so.. it keeps us from longing for times gone by ... living simply NOW- and learning/relearning old time lifeskills and becoming one content with simple things.. there is a sort of spiritual peace in beans and rice...!
This month-right NOW
Buy your heirloom seeds
Buy 100 lbs of beans
100 lbs of rice
get at least 10 cases of bottled water
Buy a dozen ,big cans of tomatoes for vitamins!
Buy several dozen ramen noodles in the cup w a little meat and dehydrated veggies( at least it is calories and a tad of protein) At Aldis you can get 6 for 1.89!!
Buy a dozen boxs mac n cheese
Get an extra big container of oil and some powdered milk!
a dozen cans of tuna
Buy a dozen jars of fruit !
Buy 4 containers of salt and sugar
Get some extra coffee, cocoa , and tea-instant is good !
Buy some extra jugs of juice!
A case of beer and few big bags of chocolate is great too...
( I like prepping things with extra liquid -canned foods with water - as water is so vital for life and I promise I will never waste a drop of the precious Mother Earths blood...)!
... if you do that you should be able to manage for a month or 2 OK w rationing and management - that is great- it is a start.. it is said the 1st 2 - 6 weeks are the most critical to be able to lay low!
Once you get those things on hand-double it-triple it and so on... add in things you enjoy eating-
Start working on hygiene items and heat,cooking- lighting-protection..gather yourself together a team of likeminded folks!
I hope some of ya'll will listen! I really, really do.. I wish you all the best during this critical time of Earth Shift!
New Earth Prepper has spoken- over and out!!
I am a healer-if you are interested in shamanic healing please see my website it is a work in progress!! Love , light and blessings to you!!
I wish everyone would prep- why and how...
I believe we are in the Middle of Great Shifts that began in 2008 and will continue till at least 2017...
I believe the economy is far, far worse than we hear about in the controlled media.
I believe the day Iran gets nuclear weapons they will start a Holy War. I have foreseen New York, Washington DC , LA , Las Vegas(you know sin city) London and Israel being destroyed in a day- I saw a mighty fire and the Earth opening up.
I believe the Earth is in physical shift and we will have increases in Ocean levels, more and more Earthquakes,Tsunamis and Hurricanes,Tornadoes,Dormant Volcanoes erupting and either flooding or severe drought.
I believe solar flairs will knock out our modern energy grid- leaving us to go back in time pre-electricity for at least 3 years...and people will never want to get that dependant on anything ever again.
I believe all of these events will wipe out at least 2/3 of the Earths population through trauma, starvation and sicknesses that will spread rampantly .
I believe in being as ready as I can be for this future I and many others have foreseen!
It doesn't have to be as hard if folks will move away from the coastlines and get themselves at least 100 miles inland and stay away from below sea level areas... but only a few will listen-until it is too late for them..The oceans -the lovely,lovely oceans-therein is your main killing field.
They may as well not even prep- their end will be swift- but for those living 100 miles inland and are at least 900 feet above sea level- you need to be preparing for (A MINIMUM-BETTER YET 2 YEARS)...a year off grid- a year w/ no stores open and a year where ones will try to take what you have prepped...
Wouldn't it be great if everyone prepped? It used to be that way you know- people called it "putting things by for the Winter"
I grew up that way- for me it is totally natural.
I always heard- have 2 years worth of food stocked up. My Grandparents lived through the depression- My Mammy told us stories they heard about people in the Citys being hungry-but for them it was just like any other time-they were completely self sufficient.
Well they had a little country store to trade for sugar, flour ,chocolate and such- they usually traded eggs or blackberries.They made things from the flour sacks. I still have some of the items they made- a curtain and a table clothe-I know they made dresses too...
I know she said they had very little money- the crops they raised brought in some-but not alot-yet they managed just fine.They bartered for what they needed!
Cut their own wood - hauled their own water.. that was the sweetest well water in the world-they would draw up a bucket everyday even when they had running water inside- and to drink that cold, cold water was such a treat!!
Part of the reason they did so well was - they had NO debt! They owned what they owned. If they could not afford it or trade for it- they just didn't worry!
My parents were preppers- well more survivalists.. we lived on a back to the lander organic 50 acre farm- we did everything from grow and preserve our food,raised pigs,chickens, had milk and beef cattle,my Dad hunted...we had a small orchard and honey bees - we picked wild blackberries and morel mushrooms-our water came form a spring and a well...we sewed our own clothes and many times when it snowed we would not have electricity for days.. and we managed just great!
I wish people would wake up and get back to self sufficiency.
I watch Doomsday Preppers-I learn something everytime. One thing though- when they talk about starving hoards of people trying to steal your supplies and defending what is yours- I can imagine myself making a big pot of soup every day and feeding people passing through- I would have a hard time harming someone that was hungry....But we would guard the line w a rifle and I would not allow them to stay -it would be OK- move along... because what we have is primarily put aside for our family.. if I had more money I would prep for a 1000 people!!
IF each and every person would practice prepping or just plain stocking up for a rainy day- if each person had 6 month to a year of supplies on hand... then instead of some zombie apocolypse- we could come together and rebuild. No worries-no panic.
How does one start though in this suck egg economy???.. well let me share..
It is not all that hard if you work at it a little at a time- and if you practice frugality and don't depend on the best name brands. If when things are on sale you pick up 2 or 3 instead of 1 !
Let me tell you some of the things we have done to be able to afford to prep!
I want to note that my husbands job involves seasonal lay offs- he is laid off as we speak- and it is iffey as to him being called back because of the economy.( He is a superintendant on a building project- construction management)and certainly my work as a Medicine Woman working on love offering/donations will never make me rich! I am saying we are working with a modest budget here!
1) Stop expensive recreation and eating out - we watch movies on TV and do things like picnics and hikes -if we eat out it is actually take out for chinese and occasional pizza -on sale! We 2 can eat for $12 dollars total once a week.
2) No credit cards- we have 1 small one for emergencies but otherwise-if we can't pay cash we leave it alone.
3) Do it yourself- I groom the dog and am getting back to dyeing and cutting my own hair,my husband cuts his own hair. He does home repairs, and I do the gardening.He is not a mechanic but we have one we have worked with a long time and he let's us make payments if the car needs work(which is a huge relief!) Living by the bus stop we could probably let go of owning a car -but right now we have 2 -1 is rarely driven.
4) Live within your means and try to get out of debt! We have a simple home and basically no debt except for a small house payment and a car payment -so it really helps!
5) When you come across sale items -get several- non perishables-shelf stable!
6) Cheapo holidays- and get them something practical! Remember this is time to come together-over spending catchs up later- and it is mass media and advertising that made things so commercialized! I refuse to let ads make me feel "less than" anymore or to overspend while I need to focus on prepping! ...
I will make the holidays nice by cooking a lovely meal,having time together to laugh, simple homemade gifts or items my loved ones need for THEIR prepping!
My suggestions and how we did it..a little at a time-week by week-buy what you like to eat and drink
WATER IS VITAL FOR LIFE...let's start there....
Every week get a case or 2 of bottled water-just 5 bucks- adds up over time!
I keep our laundry detergent bottles -put in water and will use that for cleaning-it still has alot of soap in it so it can work wonders ! We buy extra plain bleach to purify water!
I wash out juice bottles and put in water and we are going to work on a rain barrel system this year to harvest ore water-plus we have a nice fresh water spring not far from here...
Now onto food stores..
Start cheap with beans and rice -loads of ramen noodles and mac n cheese, 6 cans of tuna and some canned salmon, olive oil and canola oil,powdered milk,then add in canned veggies and fruit-then some canned meat-then dried fruits and veggies... pasta and pasta sauce... then cake mixs,brownie mixs,pudding mixs...(I know it's alot of mixs and preservatives but this is for emergncy stocks and to give us time to get the garden and homestead going!!
NOTE: Make sure you get loads of HEIRLOOM seeds- I got 2 of the Victory Gardens from 1 for next year-the other is vacuum sealed to last for several years in case we have a bad harvest-we will keep seeds and expand our seeds saving over time-the extra gives us a back-up if needed!
Even if you are in the city you can figure out ways to garden!
Then add in things like condiments, soups, things like beef stew and spaghettios ..some tasty items that are easy to prepare w just boiling water- get some coffee,tea,sugar,baking items..then you are in a good position to get some long term food -like dehydrated veggies and soups( you can get alot of these at regular stores and then buy from survival food centers)
Get some chocolate and booze for barter and for comfort!
You need some protection so look at having a deer rifle,shot gun, a pistol or 10-lol and loads of ammo- we are fortunate to have a family member doing that while we focus on food ,, 1st aid and garden-we are well covered anyway - but our family member is taking it to a whole other level!!
We also plan to take Krav Maga self defense classes, we have survival knives-need to get a cross bow and loads of arrows. .. and learn to make traditional bows and arrows, hatchets and throwing sticks-for hunting and low tech protection..
Alright-back to frugal prepping...
As you go along go to the Dollar Tree and get extra soap,shampoo, 1st aid and hygiene supplies- plastic wrap,garbage bags, paper plates and cups -you can spend 10.00 a week on these and soon you will be well supplied!
Lots of times drug stores have great sales on toilet paper and paper towels-stock up honey-you will be glad you did!
Restroom needs ....
For a bug in potty should the water go out- for solid waste-a 5 gallon bucket lined w garbage bag-after each use cover w a tad of pine shavings or lime to keep down odors and germs.. get some hand sanitizer for sure- and baby wipes to keep really clean!! They do have portable potties at camping supply stores...
For liquid waste- let the fellas pee off the porch like old days and country folks still do - ladies we need to have a pail and throw it far from the house or bury it-actually putting it around berry bushes is good- not ON them but about 2 feet circle around the soil .(if you have a water source a once a day flush by putting water into the tank is how we did it during power outages in the country(well pump needed electricity-sorta nasty by the end of the day but it worked )
Lighting and Healing
Get matchs ,candles , oil lamps and extra oil and then ways to cook should the power go out... a grill -extra charcoal or gas, a camp stove- an emergency sterno cooker- loads of ways to do this a little at a time- army navy surplus stores- walmart camping dept.
I suggest you get yourself a kerosene heater- you can usually cook on top w cast iron-I have done that many times( male sure you have ventilation!!) -make sure to get extra containers of kerosene and a fuel hand pump .
Load up on blankets at thrift stores and yardsales!
Get yourself and every family member- extra socks,undies ,coats,work gloves,hats, sunglasses and some rugged clothes and work boots or shoes.
Lifeskills and community- get healthy now!
Learn lifeskills that will help you in the future-I do healing.. and garden-sew -know how to work with some wild edibles for foraging and learning more as we speak .. and cook- well really a chef but am a great camp /roughing it cook ...know how to preserve foods and make food and funds stretch so would be a valuable member of a rebuilding society.My husband knows how to build, he does masonry-he is learning self defense- he also knows how to lead a group to get things done -he is also learning to do energy healing.
We are learning about beekeeping- raising meat rabbits and raising goats and chickens in an urban setting.
We are also working to form a community of likeminded folks-this year we are growing a big garden together- well each person has a garden patch-but we will aid each one as they need! We will preserve our food together and have lots of time to talk and figure out where our strengths and our weaknesses are.. then work to correct any deficiency.
We are working toward better eating habits and to get into decent physical condition and to be in great health!I believe that is very important! I have a longer way to go on that than my husband-he is a body builder- and very healthy-more disciplined than I am... alas!!
Well I could go on all day -but there is work to be done...I will be back this week to add in on the different things I wrote about- just touched on today!
Just like our Grandparents and Great Grandparents.. let's get it together- have our stores for the winter.. the more people that do this-the easier it will be for everyone!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Garden season -thinning out my schedule!
In order to give enough time to the garden and prepping in general- as well as writing my book and doing original Shaman Art.. I am thinning out my public gatherings.I find it just as much energy to work with 1 or 2 people than working w/ a nice big group! Financially it works out better as well- yah baby!! lol
I have SO much to do- and having my events less often makes total sense! Less is more sometimes!
However let this be said-
I am available for short 20 minute healing sessions or readings outside of meetups( $20.00 love offering) and for regular 1 hour appts($60.00 for meetup members-$90.00 outside of meetup) -just call 412-728-3008 to book an appt!
My calendar for public events can be seen at
I do Shamanic Energy Healing Circles, Psychic Development Classes, Train ones in Shamanic Healing and Shamanic Manifestation, Teach Shaman Art Classes and more...
Now most of the things that were multiple times weekly will be just once a month! I would rather have 15 to 20 people at a class once a month than 3 people come weekly!
It is JUST as much energy to work w 3 people as with 20 or 50 or 1000!!! I prefer larger groups anyway!!
So- I am changing up the way I do things- this works better for my personal energy as well as allows for the group energy to grow! This frees up my time to work the garden and can,dry and otherswise preserve massive amounts of garden produce this year!
I will STILL be teaching the psychic dev class and shaman art class weekly- because I LOVE THEM!
Shaman Class will become a once a month workshop . Shamanic Healing Circle will be once a month along w my regular once a month events- Seichim Initiations and Shamanic Journey w drumming circle!
This is just a short blog today-I am heading out to clean up the flower beds and maybe plant some herb seeds in w the perennial flowers- to fill in the space as well as to provide our culinary, medicinal and psychic tea herbs!
It is gorgous- my cats are going nuts in the windows swishing tails-on alert... and drooling over the birds outside!!
I am drooling over getting to work in my gardens!! LOVE IT...
Wishing YOU a lovely day!!
Love n Light!! Sandrabear
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Spring planting time has arrived!
The weather in Pittsburgh is gorgeous!
The sun is shining-the birds are singing-the seedlings for transplant have been outside for a week and are growing like gangbusters!
I am going to start planting some carrots,beets,onions,potatoes and a few other root veggies today and through the weekend.
Have to get some chicken wire and hay to raise the potatoes this year-trying a different way- you can see folks all over You tube raising potatoes in the chicken wire rounds- no weeding or digging - and the harvest is massive! Sounds like an utter win win to me!
I am planting today amongst my flower beds- just a bit here and there-no one will notice the veggies as their eyes will be drawn to the flowers.
I AM putting in a regular row garden as well-but if the SHTF I think having some hidden gardens is a good idea. I am planting quite abit in buckets too to keep moveable!
I just have a funny feeling about this year-the economy and the Solar Flairs-and want to be prepared to lay low as much as possible .
I decided yesterday-even if I didn't have these concerns I will always prep- my Grandmother lived through the Great Depression-she said on the farm you barely noticed it- as they had everything they needed and always made their own clothes,chopped wood,grew everything and traded eggs at the store for sugar,chocolate,coffee and flour!
I intend to get back to that level of self sufficiency in a smaller way of course-I am an Urban Homesteader!
We have to use the acre we have in a wise way and waste no space- but done right we can have chickens for eggs , honey bees, milking goats and meat rabbits.We can grow pretty much everything we need to eat veggie wise - and this year plan on putting in some fruit trees, berry bushes and grapes!
HMMM_maybe puttin some nut trees-though they take years to produce- I can do it for my children and theirs..for 7 generations we serve!!
I want to relearn old life skills this upcoming year- how to make my own soap & candles, how to corn beef ,to make saeurkraut and wine...start sewing again ! I plan to do alot of dehydrating -I have to prep on the cheap ya know!
Anyhoo-the sun is shining-the birds are singing-the weather is perfect so instead of sittin here jawwin I need to get in my gardening clothes and get to work!!
Have a blessed day!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Garden talk-and some comments about what I see coming !
I finished this blog then realized it became more than just a nice chat about the garden-all the sudden I found myself seeing the future and was inspired to write about what could be upcoming this year... so the beginning is garden chat-the end is SHTF stuff- I pray it opens some minds and hearts in time n light!
This year I am sprouting seedlings for the garden instead of buying plants. I haven't done this in years!
Pittsburgh weather has been so cooperative that I have been able to start the seedlings outdoors ,but am ready to bring them inside should any more frost or -yikes-even snow come our way(this week may hit 80 degrees so that seems unlikely-but it is only March in the North after all)
I am using only heirloom seeds this year and got a victory garden set from Heirloom seeds company as a 50th birthday present from my Dad.
The Victory Garden Set is supposed to feed a family of 4 all they need for a year... and right now I am wondering with all the seeds sprouting-will it take 100 cabbages-both red and green to feed 4 people???...looks like I am going to be making loads of soup and homemade saeurkraut!Nice thing about cabbage is that it holds well over the winter-
If all the tomato seeds sprout I will have 150 tomato plants in 6 different varieties altogether- 150 tomato plants-OMG- I am going to be canning tomatoes and tomato juice,making tomato soup, spaghetti sauce- I believe I am going to be canning all Summer and Fall!
Likely everyone I know will be gifted some veggies ...shoo... I am REALLY excited about this-but also a tad overwhelmed!
I am working with forming a community garden but will also have my private garden as well.
I intend to put back a mighty harvest of soups,veggies, juices and oh so many things- to have stored in a cool dry space -burlap bags of potatoes,onions,cabbages ,and a variety of winter squash(pumpkins,butternut ,spaghetti squash,acorn and perhaps more)
I plan to put in enough corn to hopefully dry some for corn meal-or else dehydrated corn is a good snack!
Of course we will harvest even more seeds for next year as likely our acre lot will become a CSA ( Community Supported Agriculture) where ones buy in a share of the harvest. This wll aid our garden to be self supporting!
We intend to have honey bees and chickens by next year as well- perhaps this year but something inside me is saying to wait. I have learned to listen to that litte voice-there is usually a reason for it... I believe we have a long hot Summer ahead-thus we are using mainly the spaghetti beds(the corn field will be traditional rows including green pole beans and squash)-Spaghetti beds are layered cardboard,newspaper, hay,mulch, manure- to keep down the weeds and to hold moisture... so it is a low work garden in the hottest time of year!
I love gardening but must admit during the hottest times of year being from the South- I do not enjoy working a garden in the intense heat! So we are working towards working the garden in a smart way..
I also intend to have veggies near the house in buckets just in case the weather is intensely hot and dry. I can keep these in the shade some and they are easily watered-plus if the SHTF- I can move them to a safe -more defensable area - not easily seen.
I don't know exactly what this year has in store but I have foreseen- a financial meltdown happening overnight and people not getting their government checks, I see that perhaps solar flairs might disrupt the power grid and cause intense heat -mainly this Summer and Fall-that people will become easily frightened and defensive.
I foresee more shootings in schools and government buildings- mainly when the very mentally unstable are denied medications they need or are mixing them because they see multiple doctors. These ones may stew alone -watching alot of fear based movies and TV - watching alternative media- and being unstable are not abe to process the information wisely.
I bring this up because having seen this version of the future has inspired me to be a New Earth Prepper-I believe I see these things in order to warn others and in order to prepare myself!
As this old system crumbles around us- we are effected by it- even the most peaceful of Lightworker must be alert during the Earth Shifts.
I suggest being in a position to just lay low for a few months - while people are frightened - and the base animal side comes out- stay indoors-as low as possible in your space. No one will hear your messages of peace and love during that time- preserve your life so you may help rebuild - you will be ever so needed after the shift.. to be a healer, to teach, to literally rebuild homes .. things will be so different- we as humans will have learned some hard lessons and will have grown up and grown wiser as to the use of natural resources and respect for the sanctity of life and sacredness!
I don't bring these things out to cause fear-though likely it will... I bring them out so ones hearing this and really able to see for themselves.. can prepare themselves well for the Earth Shifts and the birth of the New Earth!
Birth is not an easy process- it is down and dirt,bloody and painful. The new life though -coming in- makes it alll worth while.. and the New Earth will be worthwhile as well... for those survivors that will rebuild! Please get yourselves ready! I will see you n the otherside! We have work to do! Love n light!
I am a Medicine Woman- a healer and a seer - if you would like to participate in the Three Rivers Garden" Gaia's Garden" feel free to join the Three Rivers Tribe on Facebook!! We honor all faiths - we are ecumenical, Mother Earth honoring and peaceful!!! .
In Penn Hills-just outside of pittsbrgh city limits-I also do weekly shamanic healing gatherings ,channeled message circles,drum and meditation circles ,teach psychic development and shamanism at
Be blessed and a blessing!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
New Earth Community Building: Form your tribes NOW!
Being a lone wolf during the disruptions that are upcoming may help you survive but not necessarily thrive.
Yes sometimes it is easier to just do everything your self because people have a tendency to let you down-to flake out or not to follow through.. sure that is true-folks can be like that at times..
But humans like wolves are pack animals-we thrive best when in a community. If you get sick or injured there are others there to help you through-sometimes you will need care-other times you will be called on to give care.
When gardening it is loads easier having many hands working and harvesting- and even protecting if need be..
We need human contact and human interaction.
So I make the suggestion-form your New Earth Tribes-NOW- as a support system during the Great Earth Shifts we are in now through at least 2017.
Learn to grow and harvest and preserve foods- work with heilroom seeds and collect those seeds for the next year.
Learn lifeskills together that would include off grid living. Relearn old thyme lifeskills -it is fun to do and sets you up for an easier transition should the grid go down.
Learn about herbal healing,natural and holistic healing-energy healing, accupressure and such-learn 1st aid skills!
Learn about collecting and purifying water-rainbarrel collection and water conservation!
I personally felt a call to form the Three Rivers Tribe over in Penn Hills PA- it took about a year to cohese- but now we are growing a garden together ,had a memeber move next door and we are having regular gatherings getting to know one another!
We are on Facebook- feel free to ask to join! We would love to have a fully functioning thriving tribe! Several of the families and singles are looking for housing closer to us - and we are intending to purchase several homes right around the garden area as soon as possible!
Think about a community you might like to form- it is not all that hard if you think it through 1st- I am a Medicine Woman-as part Cherokee-I practice Native American Spirituality and do Native American healing-so for me setting up our tribe in a Native American Model makes sense- I am ecumenical and honor all Sacred Paths as long as they do no harm-our group is pagan friendly and gay friendly because that is how my heart calls me to live...
If you are more conservative or fundamental in your faith you will need to think about who and what you would feel comfortable living in close proximity with..for your own sake and for the sake of the ones who would be part of your group-there needs to be a common path and interests to limit conflicts later!
How defensive will your group be? I take a Shaolin Monk approach- we would never be offensive-but if force comes against us -we do have the right to protect and defend- and would should need arise. First however would be to energetically set up protective energy around the space so that any one that needs to be here finds us easily-but anyone who might do harm -we are simply unseen.. we put out an energy of invisibility.
Truly our intention is to be in a state of simplicity,peace and grace! We will meditate on peace and love-on bounty in the gardens-on health and healing .. and we will work in our neighborhood to be a force for good!
The energy of peace is the 1st line of defense - maintaining that during Earth Shifts will be the challenge-that is why community is so vital. We share food, we share space, we share work- we learn to love and honor each persons gifts and contributions!
Our New Earth tribe is more about compatible life style and beliefs rather than blood ties- we are of all races,colors,faiths-but our common interest is-Earth honoring, freedom of personal choices ,a belief that the Earth is Shifting and that a positive and loving New Earth will spring out of the ashes of the old unsustainable system destined to fall.
We honor the old ways of tribal self sufficiency,living simply, caretaking of the Mother Earths Resources-most of us work with natural healing, the arts and music..
We are part of the Rainbow Warriors of prophecy- our coming together ushers in an age of Peace- we relearn the old ways and learn to honor each members personal path of power!
In love and light we seek to serve the GREATER GOOD!
Be blessed and a blessing! AHO!
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